Minnow of The Week #4 Search for Nemo Continues

I know how hard it can be to get your blogs discovered when you are new on Steemit. Content discovery is currently one of our biggest issues and because of the insane amount of posts uploaded daily, finding quality authors can be very hard.

That's why I decided to make this contest dedicated to all the hard working minnows out there who are producing quality content but are struggling to get the recognition they deserve.

I think everyone deserves a chance to get their content out there and if you are a minnow that's really putting in the work and making some sweet posts that aren't giving you any payouts, then you are the perfect candidate for this challenge.

Again we didn't get much entries and after the first time when we had more than 180, everything seems to be going downhill but it doesn't matter as I managed to find one participant that was worthy enough to win.

Meet @goldenoakfarm, she's a homestead farmer living in Western Mass. She raises most of her food using organic and sustainable practices which is IMO admireable and the best approach to farming! Even though she makes great posts, she isn't getting the worthy attention and her payouts aren't as high as they should be, so for the next week she will be getting upvotes from me :)

Congratz dear @goldenoakfarm! Keep posting quality content, your work hasn't went unnoticed.

Minnow of The Week: The Struggle is Real

Check her blog out and if you want to participate in this week's challenge and upvote at least 3 of her posts and re-steem one.


Go to our winners blog and upvote at least 3 posts and give at least one re-steem
Make a post about your Steemit journey, introduce yourself, tell your story ( what is your goal on steemit, what values are you bringing to the community, why you deserve to win)
Include a picture evidence to prove that you did in fact upvote and re-steem them
Also include a short description about the contest
Title your post Minnow of The Week + (Your desired title)
Use #minnowoftheweek tag so I can find you
Resteem this post and tell your friends to get more minnows joining

Winners will receive upvotes for a week!


SP < 1000
Only 1 entry per account
No spam or begging for votes
Plagiarism is unacceptable and will be punished hard

Sharing is caring and giving is living. Never forget that and never stop doing so. Learn to put others needs before your own and you will be worthy of success and eternal glory!

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Best of luck to everyone!

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