📢 Into the (e)steemed future? - POTPOURRI TREASURE Contest - Week 4

Dear friends, welcome to Potpourri Treasure! For this week we are going to have the writing component only. Are you ready?

Put your thinking cap on and answer this question.

`It is 2317. Inspired by the Steemit model, the real world has become a place where everybody is rewarded for their actions. Every deed, big or tiny is instantly recorded and rewarded. The rewards are through points. Nobody knows why, but the points are called 'HungryPicas'.

It is a great world. Steemit is the number 1 social media platform around. All human beings: child, youth, adult or elderly, male or female, everybody, the whole world is on Steemit. It is a wonderful world to live in. 

However, there is one issue.

Taxes! A minimum of a 100 HungryPicas. To be paid every day. There are no excuses. In return for a food capsule the next day. (For details, please read: https://steemit.com/blog/@sandzat/you-in-the-future-world-and-a-request-for-help.)

In this world, you live. And in this world, you had a terrible time, last week. With no HungryPicas, nobody for whom you could do something, nobody to help, you went broke. And had to starve for 2 whole days!!

This sunny morning, however, at great risk to your own life, but luckily for you, you happen to save the life of a very good, well-known senior person. As a token of appreciation, she rewards you with 1500 HungryPicas! Unbelievable! Now, you don't have to work for your food capsule for the next 2 weeks! Immensely grateful, thankful, feeling on top of the world, but exhausted to the core, you decide to relax for a couple of hours. You want to lie there doing nothing, just enjoying the sun and the flowers. 

You design yourself a 3D printed comfortable bed and doze off all the way to dreamland. In your dreams, you timetravel to the year when the Steemit revolution began. And changed the world. Made everybody acknowledge each other. Appreciative of each other. 2017. Aah, you are there now. 

In your dream, you are an aspiring fiction writer during the nascent days of Steemit. 

Buzz! Zap. It's your nail computer. You are reluctantly dragged back to your present. By a newbie on Steemit. He needs help! Some HungryPicas. For himself and his family of 15!

Just when you were about to receive the review for your fiction piece from the legendary @rhondak.'

Grr!! You  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answer in as many words as you like.

There are no right or wrong responses/scenarios. The winner will be chosen based on the creativity of his/her answer and number of upvotes received.

Prize? This week's prize is 2 SBD, a fun horoscope for the week and a mention of the winner's latest and greatest blog post in the Winners Announcement next week. 


Please post your responses in the comments section below. Alternatively, you can post them on your blog, but do tag them with #potpourri-treasure as the first tag and place the link in the comments below.

If the number of participants exceeds 25, there will be a surprise second prize!

So, come on, participate...and bring all your friends to join too.

NOTE: 1. The Potpourri Treasure Contest - Week 4 will be open till 12:01 PM EDT time on 8th August 2017. Please ensure that you send in your entries before that. The winners will be announced on 10th August and the prizes posted latest by 17th August.

For updates of this contest and more contests in the future, follow me and don't forget to upvote and comment here now to be registered as a participant. Also do resteem if you know others who would like to take a shot.

I hope I see more of Steemit participating. Wish you all the best! Thank you! - @Sandzat 


I dedicate this post to a lovely person called COLETTE.

You can read about her here: @markwhittam/please-steemit-help-me-save-a-life.

You can hear and see Colette in this unforgettable video: A poem to my cancer: I am healing gracefully!

All SBDs from this post will be used to assist Colette. Please help.

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