New Years Eve Contest! [2x 5 SBD Prizes]

Enter to win a 5 SBD prize!


Prize: 5 SBD
How to enter: Post a picture/video and comment of your New Years Eve celebrations before the ball starts to drop in NYC (23:59:49 Eastern Time). You do not need to be at the ball drop just anything you are doing to celebrate the new year!
Rules: Only 1 comment is allowed as your entry, and you may include as many pictures and even videos as you like!

How winners will be picked

  1. The most popular (number of up votes NOT the total payout/reward) will receive 5 SBD as the popular winner.
  2. The most rewarded vote (highest earning) will receive 5 SBD as the most rewarded winner.

Can I win both?

No, to make things fair, if you win both, we will give the popular prize to the second highest entry.

** The 2 winners will be decided at midnight eastern time when the ball in NYC, NY finishes dropping.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this great year 2017 and celebrating together the start of another great year!

For more information on ShadowBot:

Latest Release: @shadowbot/shadowbot-100-days-on-steemit-welcome-to-tartarus-shadowbot

Explaining the system: @shadowbot/explaining-the-shadowbot-system



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