Design our thumbnail and banner image please! 50 SBD in Prizes available!

Hello everyone, we'd really like some assistance with the design and production of the two main 'profile' images, can you help?


Looks a little plain doesn't it?!

Yes, we have finally gotten bored of looking at grey (or white if you are not in 'Night Time Mode'), and no doubt that some of you have too. We would like to offer the task to design these 2 images for @steemcommunity, to the community.

We will of course give prizes out to the winner/s - you will be saving our embarrassment for not being the least bit design orientated!

Saying that, we're going to take a leaf out of @v4vapid's recent contest post (which is still live so worth checking out!) and suggest the following guidelines:

What we’d like to see are Thumbnails and Banners that are:

Trim, but stylish
Clear color scheme
The right size!

The prizes are as follows:

Thumbnail: 20 SBD

Banner: 30 SBD

Hopefully the reward is enough to attract talented designers to come to the rescue and brighten up our profile.

You can submit up to 2 entries for both images, and we'll look to send the prizes out in 7/8 days time.

If we cant decide on a image (which is unlikely cause we are desperate!) then no prize/s will be given, and we'll likely ask again.

Please use the tag #steemcommunitycontest in your post so we can find your work.

Thank you!

Paula and Asher

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