A Story of some Bacon and a Boy Who's Goal Was to Be Different

This is my first attempt to participate in such kind of cooking contest.

Bacon was cooked with a lot of care and love.
It literally took 5 minutes on the barbecue grill to get the right color and taste.


As you see, I like adding additional arrangement as:

  • cut tomatoes - next time I promise to add tomatoes from a real garden I have access to
  • green chili pepper - a really tasty one
  • grated carrot
  • lemon
  • parsley
  • a glass of red wine :)

And that's it.

For me this is a piece of art. If I was a restaurant owner, I'd add this type of recipe in the menu. Yeah, it's not some sophisticated food for a gourmet, however this is the style I prefer and the food I like.

To be honest, there was time, when I didn't even think of touching a food like this. And few years later for good or for bad, I realized what there was a real reason for my diet excluding meat - I was a young greedy teenager trying to be authentic and different. I really didn't care so much about my health. I was caring about the way people will perceive me.

Avoiding eating meat made me feel special. I had the option to refuse a meal, to demand a vegetarian meal and to collect people's eyeball which was a pretty cool experience when you are 13 years old.

Fortunately years later I was able to finally open my eyes and realize the stupidity of my decisions and actions.
It took me 10 years to overcome the decease of trying to be different.

Being a conformist and intentionally following the main stream in order not to evict any negative reactions from people around you are two totally different types of behavior.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your meal!

This was a kind of exception of my regular types of posts. To learn more about me just go to my main profile page and take a look at the topics I cover


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