Steem Monsters Individual Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 1 // 10 Booster Pack Prize Pool!

Steem Monsters Individual Card Fantasy Story Contest!

It's time for our first Individual Card Fantasy Story Contest!
Every Monday a card will be presented for you to create a fantasy background story.
In order to participate in the contest, you will need to make a Steemit post on your own account with the story, then submit the link to your post in the comments of this submission post.
The winner and runner ups will be announced on Sunday June 10th.
The winner's story will become the official story in the game and that winner will also receive 5 booster packs!
5 more booster packs will be distributed among the runner ups.

This week's card is.......

The glorious Fire Beetle is a Common card whose Element is Fire.

Story Format Rules For Submission

In order to create consistency among all the cards, we need a generalized story format which includes The Hero's Journey story arc and Elemental characteristics.

The Hero's Journey:

  • Set up
    • character background
  • Call to action
    • something forces the character to leave on an adventure
  • Tension
    • overcoming challenges
    • something epic happens
  • Release/Return
    • the hero is transformed


There are 6 Elements in Steem Monsters:
Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, Gold

This week's card is a Fire Element which includes the following characteristics:

  • creative/destructive
  • passion/fury
  • energetic and fast
  • violent by nature

Rules Recap

  • Make a Steemit post with your Fantasy story
  • Standard short story length is fine, but no less than 500 words
  • Submit the link to your post in the comments of this post
  • The Deadline for submissions is this Sunday June 10th at 9:00 AM CST.
  • The Winner will be announced on Sunday June 10th.

Steem Monsters is currently in Alpha.
We may edit this contest and the rules in upcoming weeks.

Steem Monster Contact Info
Official Account: @steemmonsters

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