Dust and Shadows Season 2 Announcement

Nefarious forces have selected a worthy opponet. Your old adversary Brooks has been claimed by the Dark. And is now expelled from the afterlife his power grows from when you die. But he loses power when you slay him. Over the past few weeks he has accumulated a gang of cutthroats, murderers and merciless highway men hell bent on taming the west under their banner.

Your goal is to stop them at all costs by creating a gang of your own. Rob trains, save prisoners and out run the law as you try to build your posse.

No matter how many times it kills you.

For those of you that don't know. Im @swolesome and this is my game!

Your goal is to pick between two choices and hope your characters, stats, items and lady luck keeps you alive. Two players can choose the same action and one of them still dies.

Set in the American Wild West. You find yourself unable to stay dead. Unseen forces are tethering you into conflict with your ex-friend Brooks. Can you topple his little empire before he tames the west for the Dark forces?

How to play

Players select one of two choices each week
And see how they did.
Goal is to recruit a big enough posse to kill Brooks and his men in the finale.

Whoever wins gets all players to write a post about them. Whoever did the best post as chosen by the winner gets double their entry fee. So no sense popping out a one liner.

Whoever plays but doesn't write a post about (NOT a quick congratulations post) the winner will be shamed.

To join:

Send in 5 Steem and put in the memo "I agree to the terms of the game"

This season all revives are free and automatic. Just be active and be smart. And don't die that often. I hear it hurts. Your gang may abandon you, if you die too much.

These following players survived until the last round last season and will get into this season for free.


New prize.

So the prize this season will be different. As I alluded to above.

The Grand prize is the winner will get a post done about them/their pet projects on steemit by ALL players. And the person who does the best post gets free access to the next game along with double the entry fee (so 10 steem prize). Imagine having an army of players fighting to make the best post about YOU!

Worth the wait right?

Don't worry I have some surpise gifts too that grow as the game does.

Comment below how much you like this new kick ass format and any suggestions you may have.

Nothing is set in stone I am flexible. Keep an eye out for official sign up post that'll get this machine in gear.

Let's kick the dust up

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