Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 2) 5 SBD Prize

Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 2) 5 SBD Prize


Bahbahra’s Buddies Contest

Bahbahra has been so much more positive and bright with the warm responses she received from last week’s contest, She wants to jump on her Vespa and race around the world to visit you all.

Before I expand on this week’s photo and challenge for the contest, I should let it be known who is the winner of last week’s contest, so without further ado……
After looking through the entries Bahbahra was absolutely glowing with excitement at all the responses and it was a tough call for us to choose a winner but a decision had to be made so

This weeks winner is @txatxy Congratulations

Full Disclosure to be honest all the 5 entries were so good it was impossible for me and Bahbahra to agree on the winner so the winner was drawn randomly.

All other entrants will also receive a little token of appreciation for taking part this first week of the challenge. All will be sent shortly

And this weeks Challenge is…

For this week Bahbahra and I have picked this photo of her on a Vespa as all your stories has made Bahbahra want to see the world, to see the places you Iive, Bahbahra wants to see a little slice of your toys or drawings part of the world, can be anything from the food, the scenery, or anything that comes to mind. Have fun with it and take Bahbahra on a little virtual journey of the world with your posts


Since Bahbahra, had no Luck getting anywhere on the Vespa she decided to try getting out and about in this little truck, She does love this truck as it makes her feel quite large and she does have a little complex about being vertically challenged shall I say, So Bahbahrah really needs your support in sending in an entry to the contest and showing her in words and photos a bit of you and your toys world.

Please remember this contest is all about having fun, so it’s not about a fancy photo or a long flowing price of prize winning prose, although you're more than welcome to submit those as well, equally welcome are quick snaps or even a sketch of your toy (even if it is imaginary) and a few words or sentences related to the weekly challenge

OK, here is how this contest will work:

  1. Each week I will post a Photo of Bahbahra and a theme for your picture and story - this week being where you live

  2. You must submit your post by the upcoming Wednesday (before the end of the day), which includes a photo of your toy (appropriate to the challenge) and includes a short story from your small toy/animal responding to Bahbahra’s story.

  3. To be eligible to win the 5 SBD prize, you must meet the following criteria:
    Be following me
    Upvote and Resteem this post
    Submitted a post with relevant photo and story line
    **Use the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest for your post
    Note: please be careful with the spelling of Bahbahra so we do not miss seeing any posts :)

  4. If this contest gets popular and grows, I will increase the prize and perhaps expand to a 2nd and 3rd prize, so please do Resteem so more can see and enter.

  5. One week later, I will do the next post naming the winner and adding a new storyline for the next week's contest along the same lines.

Why am I doing this?

I appreciate the amazing support I have received from this community since I joined here just over 3 months ago and have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to start a challenge. I was wondering what sort of challenge or contest I could start with and after chatting with good friends in thealliance, I came up with this idea.

So Week two of this contest is now Live and I look forward to your entries

Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing all the entries.

If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest post
Or Chat with us on Gamma Syndicate on Discord

Some other contests you may be interested in run by friends are

Here are a few run by friends on here:
@topkpop hosts the Art Contest
The current theme is Strength

Another which I help judge is run by @killerpix and is the weekly photo contest
This weeks new theme is Halloween

Another cool contest is Monomad Contest Hosted by @brumest. this weeks challenge is "rain"
This weeks Challenge is rain

All photos in my posts are taken by me and are my own property.

JJ steemit banner.jpg

If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest post
Or Chat with us on Gamma Syndicate on Discord

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