New Photo/Story Photo Contest 5 SBD Prize

Introducing a New Photo/Story Photo Contest 5 SBD Prize


Bahbahra’s Buddies Contest

Poor Bahbahra has been looking down and lonely of late.

Last night, as I came home, I saw her trying to make her way through the fence. (note: I never said Bahbahra was incredibly bright, there is an open gate one foot to the left of where she is struggling to get through the fence)

Well, I took her inside to warm up and had a little chat with her, and it came out that although she is more than happy living with me and traveling in and out of NYC, she has gotten to the age where she needs a special friend, not in person, but perhaps as a Steemit Pen Pal.

I tried to find out what exactly she was looking for, but she said she wasn't really sure but would know the right friend when she saw them and knew a bit about them.

So, she has asked me to post this photo of her, which she thinks is a very becoming photo of her, and asked for you to take a photo of you little toy animal or toy of any kind. She will be able to see your post with the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest and wants you to write a little story from your toy’s perspective as to why they would be a good match for Bahbahra.

OK, here is how this contest will work:

  1. Each week I will post a Photo of Bahbahra and an explanation of it, this being the first one.

  2. You must submit your post by the upcoming Wednesday (before the end of the day), which includes a photo of your toy (appropriate to the challenge) and includes a short story from your small toy/animal responding to Bahbahra’s story.

  3. To be eligible to win the 5 SBD prize, you must meet the following criteria:
    Be following me
    Upvote and Resteem this post
    Submitted a post with relevant photo and story line
    Submit your link or a photo and Storyline as a comment to this post

Use the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest for your post

  1. If this contest gets popular and grows, I will increase the prize and perhaps expand to a 2nd and 3rd prize, so please do Resteem so more can see and enter.

  2. One week later, I will do the next post naming the winner and adding a new storyline for the next week's contest along the same lines.

Why am I doing this?

I appreciate the amazing support I have received from this community since I joined here just over 3 months ago and have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to start a challenge. I was wondering what sort of challenge or contest I could start with and after chatting with good friends in thealliance, I came up with this idea.

So this is the first week of the Bahbahra’s Buddies contest, it is now live and ready for you to participate.

Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing all the entries.

All photos in my posts are taken by me and are my own property.

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