Courtship ritual or wedding ceremony venezuelans

The courtship rituals of human beings are so different according to their culture, as it happens in the animal world. Each species has its particular way of expressing its love.

I always like to share, if someone does not know, that the penguins love the chosen one by giving them a stone, the most beautiful they can find. They put it in front of her and if she accepts it, they will be couples for the rest of their lives, because another interesting detail is that the penguins are monogamous.

Some time ago I saw on Discovery Channel a documentary that filmed the behavior of male penguins. They collect stones to make a nest for their beloved, it's funny when they steal other nests. Always the most beautiful pebble. The female looks at the nest, if she does not like it, he should continue to collect pebbles until she is satisfied. I almost died of laughter. Somehow it reminds me of human females.

If we think about it, that's the way we humans are. But I do not mean the monogamous - many have problems with that -, but that when we fall in love we choose that special being among thousands. There is something that person has that many times we can not pinpoint exactly and that catches us in such a way that we want to look for the most beautiful stone to give it to them.

Men give flowers, chocolates, dinners in beautiful places, walks under the moon, cars, houses, jewelry ... and sometimes that is not enough. The penguin is not satisfied.

In my country, Venezuela. The courtship has changed a lot. It has had to adapt to the economic collapse propitiated by perverse and corrupt people who unfortunately came to power.

There are no longer frequent trips to the cinema, nor invitations to share an ice cream, a romantic dinner in the luxury restaurant in the city, or even go dancing. Everything is very expensive and insecurity feasts, so taking walks under the moon is no longer a good choice.

Now it's time to watch movies at home, dine at home, dance at home and see the moon from the window. But, what does love matter? People continue to fall in love and find new ways to tell the other: "I like to be with you."

In Venezuela there is no custom of other countries to seal a marriage commitment by offering a ring. It is likely that one or the other couple will do it, but it will look more like an attempt to emulate a scene from an American romantic movie. It is not natural. Venezuelan men do not propose marriage in this way.

Couples make the decision to marry together, but they are not obligated. They can throw back the intention until one day before the wedding date.

If everything goes smoothly. The couple deals with the next months in planning the event. They select the place, the guests, the orchestra, the food, the documents to be legalized and the dancers.

But there is something particular about a Venezuelan wedding. They call it "crazy hour". Do not miss any wedding, be it elegant or humble. I do not know where it originated but it can be seen in almost all South American weddings.

It consists of dancing a random popurrit of music. Some carry crazy things like hats, masks, throw streamers. The dance is initiated by a group of dancers who animate the moment.

The wedding lasts until dawn and the bride and groom never leave their party. They go to sleep when all their guests do.

Here is an example. If you advance to 1:20, you can see the start of the crazy hour.

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