Originaltag #3! + Announcing the winners of the originaltag #2

Hello steemit community! 

First, I want to congratulate the people who have participated in this contest, and I want to thank them for taking the initiative to use original tags for their posts.


There were a lot of good entries and was really difficult for me to pick a winner so I decided to pick two winners.

One of the winners is @karenmckersie with: The gift for her hubby! Congratulations you have won 15 steem!

The other winner who will take home 50 steem is @rynow with: Lake Naverone: Drakensberg - Honeymoon

I want to congratulate all the participants and I hope that you will keep doing it!

How to participate in the #originaltag?

  • Make a new post and the main tag of your post must be original and it has to be related to your post.
  • You have to include #originaltag in one of the five tags ( it can be 2nd or the last I don't care)
  • Try to be creative with the last 3 tags left ( optional)
  • The winner will be announced on Sunday in another similar post

The prize will be 60 steem for the winner because this is all I can afford at the moment, plus I'm waiting for more people to join this 'challenge'.

How to support this contest!

  • Vote on this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Create at least one entry
  • I also need a judge for this contest, so if you are interested, contact me on steemit.chat(@the-future)
  • If you want to see more people using original tags on their posts, you can also make a donation and I will include it in the prize! (use as memo originaltag contribution)
  • Be creative and defeat your fears!

I also want to announce that the judge for this #originaltag will be @karenmckersie and I want to thank her for accepting to be the judge!

Click on the word HERE to see the previous contest and some tips that might help you to chose an original tag. 

Use wisely your tags for your posts and you will be rewarded!

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