ADVENTURE READING CONTEST #1 (SBD Payouts for Photography, Writing, and Engagement!)

Now that I have over 1000 Steem Power, I feel like I have enough influence to start a contest! I’m picking a topic that is near to my heart, since it incorporates many of my biggest loves: reading, exploration, photography, and storytelling!

(After years of being scolded for carrying my book everywhere, I just want to make it an acceptable thing, ok Mom?!)


What Is Adventure Reading?

Turn your reading into an adventure! For me, this often means shoving a book into my hiking pack and heading to the hills, but you can take your own interpretation. I want to learn all about what you’re reading and where you’re reading it!

Example Post:
Adventure Reading: "The Emperor's Soul" and Abandoned Mines in Gothic Basin
(you don't need to follow the post's format, it's just to give you an idea to start with)

The Requirements

  1. Upvote this post to increase the prize pool.
    Resteeming and shouting from the rooftops is encouraged but optional.
  2. Take a picture that shows a book you’re reading and where you’re reading it.
    You do not need to travel to a far-flung place, it can even be in your bed! And the book can be anything from a library book to an article on a tablet.
  3. Tell us about your journey.
    Be sure to incorporate details about both the book and the place, but beyond that there are no rules - creativity is encouraged! The journey here can be literal or metaphorical.
  4. Include the words “Adventure Reading Contest” in the title.
    So I know it's an entry, and to spread awareness of the contest to others.
  5. Tag your post “adventurereading”
    So myself and others can find it.
  6. Submit your post by Sunday, January 28 at 8 PM UTC.
    Click here to convert to your time zone. Since I doubt I will be able to get many takers on my first contest, I am giving 2 weeks to submit your entry. Stay tuned for more contest posts that you can also upvote to increase the prize pool!

The Prizes

There will be 3 winning categories, each receiving an even 33% of the SBD payout earned from this post and all other posts relating to this contest. I will make sure the total is AT LEAST 10 SBD using my own funds.

The SP part of the payout will go into my own coffers and be paid out to all participants in the form of upvotes - hopefully a win-win!

  • Photography Winner
    This will go to my favorite Adventure Reading photo.
  • Storytelling Winner
    This will go to my favorite Adventure Reading description.
  • Community Winner
    This will go to an individual who has given meaningful interaction through comments/upvotes on other Adventure Reading participants’ posts.

It is possible for one person to win all three of these and take 100% of the prize! The judging is entirely subjective, but I will put my heart into choosing the best based on quality and effort.

EVERY valid entry will receive a 100% upvote from myself. . I'll also give partial upvotes to my favorite comments and will be honoring ALL my favorites in the winners post.

The idea is that the engagement portion will make this a valuable contest to participate in even if you don’t win! Remember, we are here to SUPPORT EACH OTHER! Voting for others doesn’t hurt your chances, it helps everyone!

Let me know in the comments what you think about this contest and if you have any questions/concerns. If it is a success (meaning people actually join), I plan to hold future editions of the Adventure Reading Contest.

- Katie, @therovingreader

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