Reflections #1: A Mixed Media Collaboration Contest. How to Wow The Judges (2nd pre-announcement, 50 SBD prize pool)

This is the second of a series of three posts reminding you about my upcoming collaborations contest. Why am I doing three reminders first? The same reason as I’m announcing the whole thing three weeks before it opens. I want you all to have plenty of time to look for partners to collaborate with.

Image courtesy of Bess-Hamiti via Pixabay

The judges, so far, will be myself and @sunravelme (unless she has changed her mind), and I believe we already covered this, but I want you to make our lives very, very difficult. We would love nothing more than to have a number of amazing submissions we have to agonise over before we can agree on the winner.

How It Works

Every entry must comprise of two posts that complement each other. They need to fit together. Like peas and carrots. The two posts can be made by two different people, or they can be made by the same person.

One post will focus on writing, and one post will focus on art.

The two posts must contain links to each other.

How to Wow the Judges


Your part of the post focuses on writing. You can write whatever you want to write, but write with passion--with feeling. It doesn’t matter if you write a poem, a story, or an autobiographical piece about the birth of your child. We want your words to touch something inside of us.

We also want your writing to be high quality, polished work. Grammar or spelling slips can really distract your reader, and we want to love your words. That’s why @sunravelme and I strongly advise you to pay a visit to The Writer’s Block and let your work run the gauntlet of one of the workshops there. You will find all the help you need to polish your piece of writing until it shines.


Your part of the post focuses on art that in some way reflects the writing. Your work can be musical, or visual.


We would love to discover new work. And we would love to learn more about how you work, how you compose or create your music.


You, too, can take part in the contest. But we want to see you test the limits of your chosen medium. Experiment with unconventional lighting and angles. Have a go at light graffiti. Whatever you do, think outside the box and surprise us.

Visual artists

Whether you sculpt, paint, draw or work in a digital medium doesn’t matter to us. Just wow us. Challenge yourself and create something new. And please do show us how you did what you did.

Save The Dates

The contest will open two weeks from now. You’ll be able to submit from December 16th, which is, I believe, a Saturday, at 20.00 CET (Central European Time). Submissions will close one week later, on the 23rd, at 20.00 CET.
I will be posting weekly reminders, with some extra tips on how to wow the judges, as well as more details about those judges.

The Prizes

Thanks to very generous donations from @tanglebranch and @plushzilla, the prize pool is currently at 50 SBD. The exact division of this pool will depend on the number of entries received.

I am very excited to see what you will come up with.
Stay tuned for more details!

The Writer’s Block is a home to writers from every corner of the world, and from every discipline that involves the written word. I consider myself lucky to have found this amazing community. Not only have I found help, support and encouragement there, but I’ve found people who feel the same way I do about writing. I’ve found a second family there. Do you write? Would you love to be a part of a community that can help you learn and improve your writing skill? Our door is always open for kindred spirits. Come and pay us a visit by clicking the link below.

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