Tell your story contest. Prizes for everyone (stakes have increased )

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The Idea

There are a lot of contests going on right now. They serve a chance for new users to grab some steem. I remember I won hundreds of steem when I joined by participating in contests. They also give you a exposure to the community. So I decided to do some contests to motivate and help new users on the platform. With increasing number of users on steemit there are some great content creators getting no exposure it feels bad and they decide to leave the platform especially when they see people are earning ton of $. Thanks to projects like minnowsupport that helped new people a lot and now over 2000+ people have joined the party. Don't feel bad it's only the beginning be consistent, Participate in contests because there you can show your talent to people and soon you will be rewarded by the community.


For this specific contest you have to make a separate post and tell your story about-

  • Your life before steemit?
  • How you introduced to steemit?
  • Who introduced you here (mention him - if possible)?
  • What's your channel topic?
  • Your hobbies and interests?
  • Your best and worst experiences here?
  • life after steemit?

link your entry in comments

hopefully you will find people with similar interests and topics that can interact with each other and appreciate each other's work


  • Resteem this post
  • Your post must include the tag #tellyourstory
  • You must make a separate post
  • Your can use the title as- "Tell your story contest - my story "
  • You are free to promote your post


Prizes are for everyone who participates

  • Winner- 10 steem
  • 2nd - 5 steem
  • 3rd- 3 steem
  • 4th- 2 steem
  • 5th- 1steem
  • 6th- 1steem
  • 7th- 1steem
  • 8th- 1steem
  • 9th- 1steem
  • 10th- 1steem
    • Each participant will get equal share of the sbd from this post
    • I will resteem and upvote every entry

If you want to support the contest, You can donate some steem to help the movement

  • There are separate judges to judge the entries.
  • Winners will be announced after the payout window of this post expires ( 7 days )

Thank you



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