VDux's Haiku Contest Has Closed

Source: Giphy

My 3rd haiku contest is officially closed, with entries from:


Thank you to all who entered. Some submitted multiple entries, and pretty much everybody had a really good haiku. Very hard to pick a winner!

I'll announce the winner within the next few days.

Can you suggest a theme for the next contest? If I use it, you get full credit and a shout-out in the next contest post, like the one I gave @acousticsteveo for his suggestion of "soup" for this most recent one.

Also, I'd like to add another contest prize but I'm not that big of deal on Steemit yet. Would you like to donate some SBDs so I can add another contest prize or boost the total payouts?

If yes, use the memo "for haiku contest" when you transfer SBDs to me @vdux. That way I know it's for the contest, and not just because you love giving me SBDs.

If not, no problem, I'm still going to keep the contest going. And if it grows big enough, I'll boost the prizes from my own stash of SBDs.

Source: Giphy

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