2 Sentence Horror Stories Contest # 3: Announcing The Winner Of 20 STEEM (Original Contest)

There were a numerous amount of creative, creepy and spine-tingling entries this week that showcased a lot of peoples fears and I was able to place myself in some of those situations without much effort due to my experiences with a lot of horrific situations in my life. With that said, I was able to experience the horror and fear that many of these 2 sentence stories conjured up. I am very happy with the outcome and engagement of this contest, so I appreciate all of you who made this another success

Without further ado...

The winning entry of fictional terror goes to....

@Hammaraxx with his chilling, creepy, and squirming entry titled: Dinner If I could title it, I would call it Apparently Forcefed

Congrats to you @Hammaraxx, your witty storytelling with a punchline put you over the top of your competitors winning you 20 STEEM. Everyone please enjoy his entry below



"Eat your dinner or go to bed right now" she commanded in an angry voice while maintaining that lovely smile as I sat there silently obeying, too weak to offer any resistance, for the sixth or seventh night in a row.

I did my best to swallow every horrible mouthful in order to avoid an early bedtime or a beating all the while knowing that it wasn't something I would normally be forced to eat and having no idea that the last mouthful was the last thing I would see of my father.

Check my previous posts on my @peacemaker account for examples of a 2 sentence horror story

Vacancy Guaranteed

Trunkspace For Keepsakes

Hide & Shriek

Basement Bodies

The Breaker

The Peeping Tom

Thank you to everyone who participated, I'll see you in the next contest :)

Thank you for reading this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $2045 and .14 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $95.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided: CompletelyQJS@yahoo.com, but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@fulltimegeek, @papa-pepper, @scammymcspambot, @prufarchy, @trevor.george, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs, @jedau, @sumsum, @edgarstudio, @the-future, @hanshotfirst, @tincho, @positive-trail, @ogochukwu, @kus-knee, @wakeupsheeps, @soushi888

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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