'IT WAS A LONG DRIVE' 5 SBD Flash Writing Contest - Die Hard Steem in co-operation with Isle of Write

IT WAS A LONG DRIVE by @warpedpoetic


"He is dead." Francine said, her eyes bright in the rearview mirror. I nodded and dropped my eyes. My knuckles stood out on the steering wheel as I maneuvered through the busy road.

"You are not going to say anything? You murderer!" She yelled.

She was hysterical now; Valium; she would need Valium and maybe a shot of whiskey.

I avoided a bus which grazed my rear-end and disappeared in the night.

I glanced at the mirror again. She was looking at Davies. She has never looked at me like that. She raised her head and I dropped my eyes to the road.

"Did you love him?" I asked.

"Love? He knew what to do with me." she replied, frowning.

What did she mean?

I glanced at the mirror but Francine was staring out the window, her eyes wide. I turned to see the flashing lights of a police car.

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