How to Make Tofu Tasty

Cooking recipes seem to be popular on Steemit, so I thought I should also share one. The problem: although I like cooking a lot, I never use recipes. I always improvise with the ingredients I have. But I can share my method to make tofu really tasty.

Many people think that tofu is boring and tasteless, which is true when you don't prepare it well. I taught myself to cook when I was a vegetarian in my twenties. Tofu is a good alternative to meat, so I experimented with it a lot. By trial and error I found a way to make it taste yummy. 

I am not a vegetarian anymore, but I still like to prepare some tofu every now and then. My tofu dishes are really popular, even with hardcore carnivores. So here is how I do it:

1. Slice the tofu in pieces, either cubes or strips, as you prefer. It is important that they are rather thin, so they can be fried easily.

2. Use good oil, such as coconut or sesame oil and heat it. Put some spices directly into the oil while it heats up, like red pepper powder or curry powder.

3. Put the tofu pieces into the hot oil and let it fry for some minutes. Make sure to turn it from time to time so it gets crispy on all sides.

4. When the tofu looks crispy and well fried, add some soy sauce and stir well. Don't use too much soy sauce, just enough that the tofu can soak up all of it. It's all about finding the right moment to add the right quantity of soy sauce.

5. After some minutes the tofu might get a bit dry. Before that happens, stop the frying process and serve it.

6. Alternatively, you may also add something juicy to avoid that the tofu gets dry and to add some additional taste. Cream and mushrooms work well to enrich the tofu's taste. If you are vegan, use soy cream. Or try tomatoes and herbes de provence. The fact that tofu itself is relatively neutral in taste, gives you lots of options. Just try out other combinations! 

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