@doore-eu ~ Hello viewers, good morning. Welcome and thanks for joining us today on your favourite kitchen on the blockchain (Saturday dining with @adoore-eu).

Today's episode will be mouth watering and really going to introduce many to a dish wrapped up with ingredients and recipes from other corners of the World. So yummy, you' ll bet.

However in a few minutes time our guest will arrive from the hotel. She actually flew in from United Kingdom. Hahaha. But while we wait, lets enjoy some good music while I show you the meals for last week episode
(Beyonce- Drunk in love, playing)

UKWA(African bread fruit)



Did i hear you say wow? Well the recipes for the meals above can be found here. Visit and try your hands on those recipes.

Just then the glass door opens
Hey! Friends, welcome, join me, make some noise as I welcome our lovely, admirable, amiable guest @hopehuggs.

(Hugs and kisses)
@adoore-eu ~ Welcome. How do you do?

@hopehuggs ~ How do you do?

(directing her to a seat) ; @adoore-eu ~ how was your trip?

@hopehuggs ~** Well, so, so. I thank God it was safe after all. So good to be here.**

@adoore-eu ~ Welcome. So glad to have you here. I wouldn't want to take much of your time, so you can relax and really settle into your hotel room.
So if you wont mind, you will be answering my questions while my audience and viewers will learn a lot. You're ready?

@hopehuggs ~ Sure, lets do this.

@adoore-eu ~ OMG, am so excited. Please tell us who are you? lets meet you please.

@hopehuggs ~ My name is Helen Doherty, I am from sunny Sussex in the United Kingdom. Mum of 2 girls, full time internet marketer. Rubbish at housework, good at cooking. Love going to the beach and having fun times with the kids.

@adoore-eu ~ Wow, I like the sound of the beach. Happy kids really having fun with mummy, right?

@hopehuggs ~ Sure, I love them so much.

@adoore-eu ~ Thats good to know. You say you are a very good cook. Wow am scared. (whispering to the viewers; i hope i can cook to her taste).

@hopehuggs ~ Hahaha, we' ll see. I' m here right,? ( Both laughing hahahaha).

@adoore-eu ~ Hmm, so at age did you start cooking?

@hopehuggs ~ I remember cooking cakes with my mum from about the age of 7. I used to love it, especially eating the raw cake mix that was left in the bowl, after most if it was put in the tin to cook in the oven. A tradition that my two girls have carried on too.

@adoore-eu ~ Hahaha. Age 7. Thats pretty early. No wonder you are a very good cook. It started a long time ago

@hopehuggs ~ You are right.

@adoore-eu ~ So whats your favourite meal?

@hopehuggs ~ Spaghetti Bolognese

@adoore ~ Spaghetti bolognese? Wow. How about a meal you derive pleasure making? You like to make it anytime, anyday, 24/7

@hopehuggs ~ I enjoy cooking spaghetti Bolognese too, as I can put lots of extra vegetables in it (using the blender) and kids really enjoy eating it. I also put some bacon in sometimes to make it extra yummy.

@adoore-eu ~ Spaghetti bolognese still? Wow, but as a very good cook, have you ever made a mistake in the kitchen?

@hopehuggs ~ Steemit is my worse mistake in the kitchen! Getting distracted and forgetting dinner was on. The wok caught fire and smoke alarm went off. It was easy to put out though and no harm done (except to that day's dinner).

@adoore-eu ~ OMG, but thank God you got by. How about if i fix you a meal. We"ll talk more later.

@hopehuggs ~ Well, i could manage.

@adoore-eu. No I insist. ( leaving to get a meal for tasting). Here,'s your meal. Guess what i made?

@hopehuggs ~ I dont know, anything is ok.
(but On seeing the food),

Wow Spaghetti bolognese!. You have spaghetti bolognese here in the restaurant?

@adoore-eu ~ Sure!

@hopehuggs ~ Wow, wow, this looks good. (tasting it), it tastes good too. Thank you. I like to take it away to my hotel room**.

@adoore-eu ~ Sure! Its yours. I will pack it better for you.

@hopehuggs ~ Wow, thanks.

@adoore-eu ~ I should thank you. Please what would you have me improve on or your suggestion generally?

@hopehuggs ~ I look for similar recipes for the same meal and pick things from each recipe, to make the 'perfect' meal. Sometimes if you do experiment it will go wrong, but don't let that put you off. However work on organising your kitchen better.

@adoore-eu ~ Thank you for your time. You are a very busy person, yet you made out time to visit my kitchen. You are awesome

@hopehuggs ~ No, its nothing. I am glad to be here.

@adoore-eu ~ Welcome. (she hands a pack of spaghetti bolognese to hopehuggs.) This is your
take home bolognese. If given a bill for this food, how much are you are willing to pay?**

@hopehuggs ~ Thank you. I'd be happy to pay up to $20 for a nice cooked meal.

@adoore-eu ~ Hahahaha, well this is for you

@hopehuggs ~ This is really good. Can you share your recipes with your audience?

@adoore-eu ~ Sure, I will. In a few minutes, i will give the run down of how to make spaghetti bolognese. You can watch from the comfort of your hotel room too.

@ hopehuggs ~ Oh, thats right.

@adoore-eu ~ Thank you so much dear @hopehuggs for being a part of our show today. I am most honoured to have you.

@hopehuggs ~ The pleasure is mine. Thanks for making me a part of it. I beg to leave now.

@adoore- eu ~ Sure, I will give you a call.
(@hopehuggs leaves for the hotel room.)

Thank you viewers, that was @hopehuggs. It was fun chatting with her. She flew down from UK, just to make sure you enjoy the program. She is a very good cook, she is a steemian with reputation 66. She features regularly in ecotrain magazine. Do follow her at @hopehuggs .

In a few minutes, I shall bring you the recipes for today's meal ( Spaghetti bolognese). Before then, enjoy cool music as we view the food galleria.
(nkejikeke playing by rude boy)


wine source


Lets take a look at those who ate something new , creative or strange.

Mr H ~ The first time i visited a friend and his mother served us fufu, i nearly choked with the smell. I couldnt say no. I had never eaten it before. As I put a new morsel in the mouth, the former morsel will be coming back from my throat. At a point i ran outside and vomitted. I nearly vomitted my intestines. Till date i hate to see someone eating fufu.

Adoore-eu ~ Hahahahaha.

Mr C ~ The first time i drank "Furah de nunu", i caused the devil that made me buy it. Lol. I was like sucking breast milk over again.

Adoore-eu ~ Hahahaha

Miss G ~ For an unpleasant meal 😂😂😂 #squeezes face like I just heard some bad news
For a pleasant meal #I danced azonto and finished the whole meal almost licking my plate
Adoore-eu ~ Hahaha

My best customer for the week is he/ she that visited regularly with his friends. This week, a male steemian, a steem ambassador, a doctor and co founder of the blockchain hospital was the most frequent here. Tell us his name and win a token into your wallet.

Yeah, we have come to the section that brought most of us here. To learn new delicacy and improve on your kitchen skills. Hahaha

The making of Spaghetti bolognese
~ meat, ~ plum tomato, ~ carrot, ~ tomato paste, ~ chilly pepper, ~Basil, ~celery , ~ bay leave , ~ scent leave/ mint leave, ~ bacon , ~ rosemary ,~ wine, ~ garlic, ~ginger, ~ onions, ~salt , ~ spaghetti, ~ water, ~oil.

Well, bacon and rosemary were missing. I couldnt get them.. Meanwhile, you can successfully make the meal without those two. I got every other thing, so lets cook.

Preparation. Wash and divide the meat
Cut one part into tiny pieces and blend it. You can buy minced meat but i prefer fresh meat, so l blended it myself.

Chop the rest part of the meat into tiny pieces without blending.

Wash all the vegetables and cut them all in separate dishes

Put a little oil in a hot pot and add onions

Stir and add blended garlic and ginger

Stir and pour in the minced meat

Add salt and pour the chopped meat

stir very well, add pepper and cover for 40 minutes ( to allow the meat to be soft and brown).

Uncover after 40minutes when meat is brown, add your plum tomato and stir

Add celery and stir

Add carrot and stir

Add tomato paste and stir

Add basil and stir

Add mint leave and stir

~Add your seasoning

~pour little wine(red or white), stir everything well and cover to simmer for 10-15mins


~ Boil spaghetti following the instructions given

~ Add the sauce on top and then YOUR HAVE YOUR SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE
A sauce made with meat and spaghetti from bologna, Italy.

See the beautiful screenshot


For your outdoor catering and soup delivery or planning recipes and menu, call
Or chat on whataspp : 08034625048.

Thanks to you all for visiting my blog and my viewers for tuning in. Join me again this time next next for another episode of Saturday dining with adoore- eu on your favourite blog, @doore-eu. Its going to be better than this.

Special thanks to @hopehuggs for the visit and for granting me the interview. Hoping to hear your comments after watching how it was made.

Special thanks also to the donators to this programme so far; @eurogee, @nairadaddy, @sweetestglo-eu and @jeaniepearl. We want more support from you.

gifted by nairadaddy

I love you all.
Your chef

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