🍜 Dean's Kitchen - Goose with Green Bean Noodles 🍜 美女廚房-鵝肉冬粉 🍜

I cooked this bowl of goose with green bean noodles, yes. Applaud, please. lol.

Actually this is the lunch for me and my wife today. I came up with this idea from the materials we had in our kitchen so I volunteered to cook today! Let me share with you in this post about how I did it. :)

First, check that we have all the necessary ingredients for this bowl of noodles. Yeah, lucky we have green bean noodles at home. Some vegetables too so I rinsed and cut them to get ready.

Second, I cannot proceed if I do not have something for the soup. It's always the most important thing with cooking noodle soups! You can use chicken stock cubes from the supermarket too, but we are not a fan of these ready-made processed ingredients. Lucky that my wife cooked a pot of chicken soup two days ago and one third of the pot is still in the fridge! Woohoo~~!

Also, the main trigger behind this cooking idea is because we bought a box of goose from a famous store in Taipei yesterday. We just finished less than half of it so it can be the main role for this dish!! Second chance to shine, who doesn't love that!? _ ... Along came with the goose is some ginger shreds that I can use too!

The final part of the cast is .... the minced pork sauce!! This is very commonly seen in Southern China I suppose. It is used to season boiled vegetables or for noodle soups too! Very important friend for Asian chefs!! :)

Lucky again my wife made a big bowl of it two weeks ago and I can put some in the noodle soup so I don't have to use any salt! Very healthy!

Boil the chicken soup, add a little bit water. Cook the green bean noodles first for 5-10 minutes until it softens. Then, drain the noodles and put it into a big bowl. Cook vegetables shortly and place them on top of the noodles. Then the same for the goose meat (for heating up only, they were cooked). Pour the hot chicken soup into the bowl and it's almost ready!!

You just need to put the minced pork sauce and the ginger shreds upon the bowl. It's ready to serve!! Feel hungry now? ^^


首先,備料永遠是最重要的。沒有足夠的材料,你要怎麼變把戲呢?再偉大的魔術師也得要好道具是吧?只有雞蛋跟油,你也只能煎蛋啊!我今天是救火隊,所以我從廚房與冰箱的既有物料,評估了組合可能性,得到煮『鵝肉冬粉』的結論。原因是,最重要的:昨天買了現成的鵝肉沒吃完(反正也是得趕緊吃完,否則不新鮮了,一舉兩得!),看來份量是夠兩人份(孩子有他自己的飯)。然後,老婆前天熬一鍋雞湯,還剩下1/3,這是湯底最佳材料了!煮麵食類,最難的就是湯底,除非你買現成的雞湯塊 (chicken stock),否則不是要熬肉與骨,就是要蔬菜夠多。我們向來不買雞湯塊的,認為不健康。自己剛好有雞湯,確實是煮麵最佳時機!幸運的是,老婆兩週前也準備了一大碗肉燥,是用來燙青菜等使用的,配麵食也是絕佳搭配,幾乎就不用放鹽巴了喔!然後,有粉絲,有青菜。一切就緒!





💕💕 『美女廚房』,咱們下次見!💕💕

1 台語很貴的意思。這一盒要賣370台幣,都快13美金了!鵝肉很貴吧!還好用上兩頓飯,划算,嘻嘻!
2 還好我去年已經對美女一詞除魅了,否則我還真不敢下『美女廚房』這麼聳動的標題呢,呵呵呵~~

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