The Carrot Casserole you might want to try out next Christmas. (Food)

(Now I know Christmas is nowhere near yet, but I still wanted to share this one...;)

I was browsing my old photos on Flickr, and found this:

Carrot Casserole in oven
I can already taste it. Can't wait for next Christmas!

Carrot casserole

  • 1 ½ kg carrots
  • 1 dl milk
  • ½ dl cream
  • 1 egg
  • 2 ts aniseed
  • ½ ts nutmeg
  • 1 ts cinnamon
  • 1 tbs brown sugar
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 ts salt
  • ½ dl breadcrumbs

Peel the carrots and boil them for about 40 minutes.

Pour the water away and smash the carrots. Mix in the butter, salt, sugar and the spices. Separately mix milk, cream and the egg, and add them to the carrots.

Pour the resulting mixture in to a buttered casserole mold. Even the surface and sprinkle the surface with the breadcrumbs and some butter.

Bake in the oven at 180 ℃ for about an hour.

My wife makes this every Christmas and we all love it immensely. Anyway, if you cook it for next christmas, I'd like to see how you liked it. I bet Vera would be interested to know too. :)

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