Eating roasted bones like a cavemen!

Most people never grew up with eating the less wanted pieces of meat. They definitely wouldn't eat bones. Most of the unwanted cuts nowadays become minced meat, sometimes even whole cows because people don't buy enough steak.
You can see it in the supermarket and butcher most of the meat nowadays is minced meat, sausages, beef or chicken. Nobody eats pig feet, pigs head, bones or chicken claws. I think the only exception is the Asian cuisine. The Asian cuisine is way more developed than the European in my opinion.
This is a missed opportunity those off cuts are cheap and this way it can mean you could eat pastured animals.


Bone marrow is very healthy it's full of healthy fats, proteins, calcium, magnesium and gelatin. People don't eat enough of this it. The gelatin even has a healing effect on the intestines. The cholesterol is very high but it's mainly the good type of cholesterol called HDL(high density lipoprotein). HDL has a protective function and it's important to make this part of your diet.
If you want to cut fat start with margarine and vegetable oils!


there two nice recipes with bone marrow and that is soup or simply roasted. Bone marrow is very fat so it's good to eat some acid with it like lemon, onion or pickles to neutralize the fat. Not everyone has a bone saw so get them pre cut! If you butcher yourself than you could use a iron saw.

Soup with bone marrow
  • 500gr soup vegetables
  • six blocks of bone (750gr)
  • 3 big onions
  • bay leafs
  • pepper
  • salt
  • brown bread

The soup is simple to prepare. Boil the bones and onion till the bone marrow is separated from the bone. Than let it cool down and blend it with a mixer. I blend it because people don't enjoy the gelatin mouth feeling in soup.
Now add the the soup vegetables, bay leafs, pepper and salt and let it cook for a while. Serve it with toast!

Roasted bones
  • a kilo of bones.
  • two onions
  • small cup of parsley
  • lemon juice
  • salt
  • butter
  • pickles

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees (420 Fahrenheit). Put a thin layer of butter on the bones and let it roast for roughly 20 minutes. Bake the onions in a pan. Put the bones on a plate when they are ready cover them with onions and the parsley. Than sprinkle lemon juice, salt over it. Put the pickles as a side dish to neutralize the fat with some acid.
Bon appetit!

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