Cook With Us #2 – Vegan Mango Lassi | Featuring Avocado & Hemp Hearts


This is an ode to simplicity inspired by @cookwithus's prompt for creating a 3 ingredient dish.

Check out the details here. I was inspired to fashion a mouth-watering, luscious dessert so good that it makes you weak in the knees!


This variation on the classic mango lassi highlights the rich sweetness of mango, the creaminess of avocado and the delightful nuttiness of hemp.

Frothy, creamy and slightly sweet, you'll wish you made more!

Simplicity Is Delicious

Mango lassi is a refreshing beverage that really takes the edge off a hot day. Thinking of what combinations of 3 ingredients would work, I chose to highlight the glorious mango.


We're been spending some time away from the homestead and are switching into subtropical mode as we spend our vacation with @birdsofparadise in Florida.

This outrageously tasty dessert beverage was inspired by the Indian sweet mango yoghurt drink known as lassi. The hemp hearts and avocado are stand-ins for the more traditional yoghurt.

A Healthier Twist On A Sweet Treat

For this dessert I thought it'd be nice to play with the lassi idea. Most lassi drinks are made with pasteurized milk (perhaps not in India...) and sugar. These two ingredients both cause inflammation and are not very easily digested by some. Not to mention sugar is unhealthy on numerous levels. But something happens when mango and creaminess meet and I wanted this fusion to shine. I also wanted to include a dairy-free option that boasts a great deal of flavor and nutrition without sacrificing taste. Enter hemp hearts and avocado.


Hemp Hearts

They are a true superfood in that they have been in human diets for 1000s of years. They are comprised of more than 25% digestible protein (same protein as found in breast milk), boast a healthy fat profile (properly balanced omega-3s and 6s and even omega-9), and offer a rich mineral profile (magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc).

These attributes help hemp hearts to lower blood pressure (arginine), boost immunity, reduce inflammation (omegas) and relax the body (magnesium). If you're not familiar with hemp heart, do yourself a favor and try them out!



I feel like the name butter pear does better justice to this delightful fruit (another name for avocado). Buttery prepackaged delights that grow on tree, YES PLEASE! They are another superfood that just tastes soooo darn good. The fat content is mostly monounsaturated fat (like olive oil) and has been associated with healthy heart and brain.

They also are rich in carotenoids which help reduce inflammation and support healthy growth and development. The antioxidant action of the phytochemicals in avocados help repair and protect cells from oxidative damage. If that wasn't enough they are the highest in protein and lowest in sugar of any fruit, have plenty of fiber (balanced blood sugar and healthy digestion much?) and a good source of vitamins A, E, K, B and C!


Putting it together

I love how simple this is. Mango, avocado and hemp hearts (a 4th ingredient if you include water). The main event here is mango so make sure they're nice and ripe. Same goes for avocado. You will need a blender for this recipe. We use a nutri-bullet personal blender. So c'mon and get your goodies together!


  • 2 Medium Mangoes

  • 1 Avocado

  • 1/4 Cup Hemp Hearts

  • 1 1/4 Cup Water (you could substitute ice for some of the water)

  • Pinch Cardamom (optional)

Making It Happen

This is where a magical synergy occurs. Mango meets creaminess, deliciousness ensues and it couldn't be simpler...


  • Blend 1/4 C hemp heart with 1/2 C water for 1-2 minutes

  • Add remaining ingredient and blend until creamy.

  • Sit back and enjoy.

I hope you get to enjoy this treat as much as we did. We don't eat a lot of imported fruit, but this is certainly a great way to indulge!


Do you have any favorite dishes with just a few ingredients?
If so, take part in the Cook With Us Challenge!

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