Copyright - What does it have to do with you?

What does copyright have to do with you?

Well if you are serious about blogging, you had better learn the rules. Search the web. There are plenty of articles out there informing you about how to write blogs in a professional manner.

I am not a lawyer, and do not understand all the nuances of copyright law. I can just share with you what I have learned as a content provider for over 20 years.

If you are a serious blogger, and I assume you are, you will be concerned about the protection of your own work! What you write ( if it is original and not plagiarized) is protected under copyright law. In the same way, the imagery you use in your blog is protected under copyright law.

Don't assume an image is free because you found it on a "free" site. I have had many of my images removed from such sites! Research an image, before you use it. Trace it all the way back to the actual creator and the agency if applicable!

But, no matter what the terms of usage are, one thing remains the same - YOU MUST NEVER REPRESENT AN IMAGE AS YOUR OWN WORK IF YOU DID NOT CREATE THE ORIGINAL YOURSELF!

Just a little something to think about over the weekend!


Thanks for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.

To find my photography and designs on Steemit, please search on #dianemacphoto.

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