Steemit Country Representatives - Applications Invited

The last few months has seen tremendous growth in the number of Steemians in many countries around the world.

This growth has been a mix of former Steemians becoming active again, and total newcomers to the platform.

The Country Representatives have been doing a great job guiding and supporting people in their respective countries.

We are now looking to expand the network of Country Representatives.

What do Country Representatives do ?

The main role of a Country Representative is to support and guide Steemians in their country.

They should particularly seek out and greet new Steemians, and guide them to the Newcomers Community and their Country Community if they have one.

If the Country Reps are in a country with a Country Community they will likely be involved in the running of that community moderating and possibly organizing contests for example.

They should also give guidance to Steemians in their country on technical issues and Steem etiquette. Keeping an eye out for any occurrences of plagiarism or other abuse is also a key part of their role.

The Country Reps may also be involved in curating Steemians in their country through the regional @steemcurator account.

How to apply to become a Country Representative

We are inviting expressions of interest from anyone who thinks they may be suitable to become Country Representatives.

People in countries where there are already Country Reps, and those in countries without any current representatives, are equally invited to apply.

We are looking to both expand existing teams and establish new country teams.

To be considered as a Country Representative you should have been active on Steem for at least 3 months.

You should be a regular poster and contributor on Steem, and Steem should be the main crypto social network you are involved in.

If you are powering down, or hold less than 500 SP, you are unlikely to be considered.

To apply please make a post entitled ‘Why I would make a good Steem Country Representative for XYZ Country’ and leave the link in a comment below.

In the post you should include…

  • a brief summary of your history on Steem
  • details of any communities you are involved in, and any contests or other activities you organize
  • why you think you would make a good Country Representative.

And if you are in a country with no existing Country Representatives, a brief summary of how you would go about encouraging more people to join Steem in your country.

Please submit your post by April 30th, 2021.

It will be helpful if you get people who may support your application to add their comments on your link comment below or on your application post to demonstrate support among the community.

Support for your application from any existing Country Reps (or other Community Leaders) will be particularly helpful.

We will review all applications during the first week of May, and will announce the new Country Representatives by May 10th.

Successful Country Representatives will be given a delegation of 5000 SP to help them fulfil their support duties.

The Country Reps have played an important role in the growth of the Steem Community over the past year.

We are looking forward to seeing who comes forward to join the team.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

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