How to make money by saving money

Steeming is great because it can make bloggers some income. Most people talk about how to make money by investing in bitcoin, steemit and other better known coins or investing options. However, no one has mentioned how to make money by saving money. That solution is: COUPONING

Now, many people will say that couponing takes too much work, or isnt worth it. But hear me out. Yes, couponing does take time if you want to do it well. Anyone can cut a coupon and buy a product. I am not talking about that. I am talking about buying products when they are at their ultimate low prices and using coupons during those times.

Couponing and investing both take time and dedicating to "make money or to work".

No one actually thinks that by saving money we are making money, but lets use an example. Lets say that i need to buy toothpaste for regular price of $3. I, however, bought it when it was on sale, and had a coupon for it so I only paid $1. Those $2 that i keep in my wallet would have been wasted so i could actually say i have made $2. In certain instances when sales are so great, by using coupons and the sale prices, that money can be made, Those instances are called money makers. A recent example is in the Rite Aid store. I had a $1 coupon for gummy bears. Those gummy bears are for sale for $1, which using the coupons makes them free. However, Rite Aid has a promotion of offering 100 points (which equals a $1) for every bag of gummy bears you buy. That make it a $1 money maker. So not only do i have a bag of gummy bears, I also have a $1 in my pocket. Awesome, isnt it?

The ultimate goal when you coupon is to build a stockpile for you family so that at the end of the day, when you need toothpaste, you can get it from the stockpile you have gotten over time, and instead of paying $3, you have paid $1.

Couponing SAVES you money, which at the end of the day MAKES you money! :)

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