Cover a Steemian - An initiative to bring us musicians closer!

Hello Steemit!

The other day I was talking with my brother @meno about this little idea that I had ( I always ask him for advice when I have a ''crazy thought'' crossing my head ) and this initiative came to me. I thought I wanted to share it with all of you as I think it's a great way to add some more ''human element'' to this platform. It's very simple... but hey.. most of the time .. simple is good!


Cover a Steemian!

This idea originally was inspired to me by @tarotbyfergus who on one of his open mic entries covered fellow musician @basilmarples 's song ''Lost and Waiting'' showing him his love and support for his music and then Basil covered him back! This to me and I guess the whole Open Mic family was a perfect example of what Steemit is all about, growing a community, sharing, having fun and being part of something we believe in! So , thank you guys for that! these were their entries:

Tarot by Fergus - Lost and Waiting ( Basil Marples )

Basil Marples - Pretty Gorgon ( Tarot by Fergus)

See how music can really bring together people? You can see how the mutual support and respect of these awesome guys established a very nice and honest musical friendship and taught us all a great example of what art in general is about :) .

So.. This is what I want to initiate with all the Open Mic family and Steemit Music family in general, it's quite simple and you should understand what this is all about just by reading these rules:

Cover a Steemian Rules:

  • Choose one particular song from a Steemian that you would like to support.
  • Make a post under the #coverasteemian tag, #music should be your second tag.
  • Make the title of the post start with "Cover a Steemian''.
  • Give us a little introduction of why you chose that song and why you want to support that particular Steemian.
  • Transfer ALL SBD earnings to that Steemian!
    music art.jpeg

So.. Why am I starting this initiative?

Well, I know how hard it is for new members to ''find a place'' in this platform, it can be overwhelming and it's easy to get discouraged, I was lucky to be guided very early on by my brother @meno and I found the Open Mic family that later introduced me to the whole music community, then I met the Minnow Support project , the MSP family , the PAL network, and so on! So , luckily, I quickly found my home here in Steemit!

What I want to encourage a little more with this initiative is to bring more of the human element to the music community, take it a little away from ''The SBD race''. Music is about sharing. I'm a professional musician myself and I make a living out of performing but money has never been my main interest .. If that was the case I'd be doing something else... I'm not going to deny that some extra earnings are helpful and most welcome!

I've played many times for little to no compensation BUT when I have gotten that little word of support, an honest hug from someone telling me that my playing touched his emotions I get reminded why I chose this profession and confirms ''I'm doing the right thing''.


So, with the introduction already done.. Here's my ''Cover a Steemian'' submission!

Cover a Steemian - Singing Winds (@afrao0) cover song

So, today I'd like to cover one of my favorite musicians on the Steemit family , @afrao0. His music is just filled with so much emotion and soul and I've been following him since the Open Mic Songwriter's challenge started , his 8 week run was amazing and his song ''Singing Winds'' touched me in a sincere way, I've been listening back to it ever since so I thought I would try to perform it as my way of support to him.

I haven't seen @Afrao0 active in a while and I would not like for him to get discouraged and leave the Open Mic family as I would like to keep hearing more of his music! So, All the SBD this post makes I will transfer to him as a way of showing my admiration and support of his music!

If you like someone's art, be sure to Thank him/her! , It means a world of difference to us when someone appreciates what we do. So, let's just grab our little camera and show them our support through music!

Here's my entry, I hope you like it and I do his song justice!

Singing Winds

(verse 1)
Today I sit
'neath the statue of gold
while the wind blows on the river shore
Watched the sky change shade
From the lightest blue
To the lightest pink

And now, prayer flags are soaring
Now, the cold winds are singing

Everything in rhythm
With the song that's playing
The wind, the flags and the wind
They are swaying

Prayers of hope
Prayers of peace
Will they be heard
Answered will they be...


Ah.. ya.. yaa.. yaai.. he ya.. ah aaa. ee yaaa

This is @Afrao0 himself performing this little gem, if it touched you like it touched me, please make sure you show him your support, he deserves it!


banner by @bembelmaniac

Thanks for reading and listening! Please share and resteem this post, let's spread the word to all our fellow artist friends! Cheers!


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