Its been exactly 8 days i have been tested positive for covid -19 Mutant varient in Second Wave that hit Nepal a month back .
After this all started in India Few months back we were expecting this to happen in Nepal , especially in Kathmandu capital of nepal where most of the population saturation is focused .

The major problem in Nepal is that the government literally sucks and also was stuck with no confident from the cabinet and the PM Mr. Khadga Prasad Oli was stuck in political crisis apart form taking care on hi citizens and professionally handling the situation . The total population of Nepal is around 29,674,920 . On the basis of the given population

Key dats since the first wave of covid 19

Total Cases : 431191
Total Currently Infected : 105207
Total Recovered : 321518
Total Tests : 2712526
Total Deaths : 4466

As per the above metrics . A total of 1.4% of entire population has caught covid 19 since it started and 0.3% of total popultion is still infected . 0.015% of the entire population has already died of COVID . Where only 9% of populaion had been tested so far .

If we calculate as per the above metrics and taking the entire population in refrence a totla of 10% or more population might have been infected with possible deaths of 1.7% of the entire population . Now thats huge death toll of around 504473 people dying of COVID only . But this is just a theory .

Situation get worse when the Secon wave hit and the current metrics shows otherwise .

In the last 24 hours only 11474 PCR and 771 Anti-gen tests have been done out of which 214 people died and 8842 infected people has been added to the Infected people list .

With the same theory if 100% PCR tests to be done we could see a infection toll of around 77% infection and 1.8% people might die out of COVID (This is still a theory but we cant deny this might happen.)

We are expecting to see death toll rise to 100 peoples per day and almost 40K infections per day as per WHO warnings and data metrics .

Situation in Nepal has already turned worse as the medical system has collapsed . There are no beds in hospitals for patients , no ICU nor Ventilators , Getting a grasp on on oxygen tank has been like winnig a war here .

Foreign ministry has been trying to get some countries like China and USA to donate oxygen tanks , PPE sets and Ventilators . But with surge of Second wave and mutant varient globally , help cannot be expected at urgency .

With india hitting all time high cases on daily basis and having open border with India has turned this case to worse. We are currently having Lockdown since 20 days already and this will continue for some time .

So far i have not shown major symptoms with mild fever in the begining days only , ANd no sign of weakness now .

Few major symptoms i felt were

  1. Mild fever of 101.5 F
  2. Paining and Red eyeballs
  3. Tiredness
  4. anxiety (Not being able to sleep)

Along with me my grand mother and sister also had been tested positive with generic symptoms noly and critical health issues .

I have rendered my name and phone number for privacy issues.

After being isolated for already 7 days and 7 more days to go and the feeling i had , I could only say that this is more lethal than how the first Wave of corona virus was . And would like to request everyone to maintain social Distances, Use Mask and hand sanitizers .

Datas above are extrancted form official Government Covid19 Response portal .

If you want to read more news about Nepal . The must trusted online portal is

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