Hallo-steem-oween Cyborg Witch

Hidey There,
My feind spidey monsta n i wanna tell you how i put together my halloween costume with no help whatsoever from spidey IMG_1645.JPG
Woke up like this?

Planning isn't my strong suit. However, i am great at developing ideas. Especially from inspiration.
So I'm posting cyborg witch halfass crafted tutorial haphazardly while on the train to work! note: halfway through i did go to work and then came home to sort myself out a tiny bit

First of all... my inspo

At first i got two options for the eye: a mask that i was gonna cut, and an eye patch. I went the patch route and cursed myself for second guessing.

As you see i got reflective tape for the " metal" bits.
It proved to be very useful, but also very sharp.

Among many random goodwill grabs were these "VR" goggles.....
All it requires is a smartphone!! (Hey mom--- if you thought i was too close to the tv back in the day...)also note the cutting edge suction cups that hold ones phone in to place. But wait! There is more!
Wealthy white people use these products. I know when I'm having a long day trading stocks and i just wanna get away I feel the need to strap on some clunky headgear; walk out in public or lounge by the pool on a sunny day; and cover my eyes completely! Because , lets face it, the real world sux and i want everyone to know i dont care about their reality. BLUEPILL ME mfker.

IMG_1656.JPGSo of course. I promptly destroyed it. And glued the eye piece to my silver patch

I read this idea from the internet place so let me be all reputable n stuff


But i couldn't find a camera so instead i destroyed a clock.


I knew i wanted an eye ball and i had silver nail polish so i painted two gears.

Gear under eye glass for iris ✔️
Gears of differing size and color✔️
Enough super glue to keep me high on fumes all night✔️✔️🤡😏😖

Next thing i needed was a witch hat. Of course niether goodwill nor any other local shops had such a treasured item. 🤷‍♀️ Witching is popular round these parts. I of course google'd paper witch hats and followed these directions by Martha Stewart very precisely! https://www.marthastewart.com/268139/wizard-and-witch-costumes-witches-hats

Very precisely. i only cut myself once and said "fork you all!!" 3x
i did learn an important lesson about directions seein as how it didn't fit my fat head.

i was running out of time but i needed more doodadllebobbers so i used a broken usb wall port and the straps from "le amaze wow!" VR goggles to make a port for data uplink. No one knew what it was but i did and thats the biggest im-port of all. (Yes i tried to make various port puns and double-entendres all day)

i originally put it on my neck and forgot the charging cable as i rushed out to work so heres a pic of me in my freedress trying to link up with my faves online ;)

Couldn't help myself but to add a cyborg heart. Its made of cheap metal and run by a very basic motorything but you'd be surprized what level of bright energy flows out.


What do they say in french? Et Voilà!?

After grindin retail service style i gave up on the hat and discovered i liked having my port on my head and my collar popped. Heh.

Thats it Rainbows. S'all she wrote. Go home roger.

Lima Being aka Cap'n Girlpowa


Ope. I lied. Heres a pic of all the shit i bought and didn't use!! 😩


Image 2.gif

Vote @patrice and @followbtcnews for witness please n thnx!

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