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I have some very happy news! I found a job! Noganoo the Cranberry Packer..

So @BernieSanders can stop getting his panties in a bunch and calling me a jobless loser. But really I searched for a job because my girlfriend @Arisa has been encouraging me to make some changes and move forward with my life. So I will be packing cranberries in boxes for 12 hours a day.. 12 dollars an hour.. not too bad .. but it was difficult to make this step because I have lost 500 dollars in 5 minutes trading before.. now it will take me 2 weeks to earn it.. But at least I can safely trade altcoins now and have money to maintain optimal THC levels. Oh.. and I'm getting my drivers license back.

I hope you are all happy for me that I am moving forward. I won't be here often besides for stopping by to upvote newbies with the botnet.


So the long term plan is to save this money up, buy some land and build one of the largest marijuana farms in the world. It will be tremendous, trust me.


God bless you all and I love you.


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