Steemit Red Pill Rap (Spoken Word Poetry Rendition)


All the creative juices are flowing tonight! Thanks to @sammosk who is holding another open ended creative competition I was inspired to make another Spoken Word Poetry, SWP. This one I had a bit more fun with and changed up a few of the lines and added a few of my own. If you want to read the original poem, Steemit Red Pill by @clayboyn, which I highly suggest you can read it here. I feel very lucky to be able to have such supportive creative people in this community. Big shout out to Clayboyn for letting me play around creatively with his poetry!


red pill.png


Thoughts? Feedback? Let me know in the comments below! If you know anyone who want's their poetry spoken, please let me know. I dont know much about making music, but I'm having so much fun doing these :)

page dividers made by @flauwy

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