Who done it?

This is a story of deceit. Well, deceit is a very strong word, so how about we go with sneaky. I can live with sneaky.

You see, on the day of the Freewrite 100th anniversary, I saw that @deaconlee has said he was not going to be doing the We-write. It bothered me to no end because he has been with the Freewriters from the beginning.

Now I knew his rules for freewriting are very different than mine so I thought to myself and thought. How will I get him to write a story with me?

Sitting down with the days prompt I started to spin a tale while writing for 5 minutes. When I was done, I read what I had written, and almost didn't send it. It was horrendous! It had no life. It did have the beginnings of a plot. Three cute characters names but it didn't have "life". I had failed to write a story to suck my dear friend into making him write a 100-day We-write.

By this time I knew I had nothing left in me to try again. My brain was dead.

I thought and thought, and sent it off anyway. A note attached that was true. My story was bad and needed help! Could he finish it?

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Not quite the plan I had in mind but by now it was the only option left as I didn't want my friend left out.

He sent me back a letter with the story finished and teased me about 'knowing what I was doing'. I quickly scanned the 2nd half of his story, then let out a gasp, and slowly read it again.

From there I went to my keyboard and rearranged some of what I wrote in the beginning. You see Deaconlee HAD brought life to that story!

Unfortunately, I had then learned something new that night and was very excited. I made a test film and sent it to Deaconlee and asked if he would mind waiting for me to publish the story.

He, of course, said he didn't mind. He reminded me time and time again that he wasn't going to write a 100-day story anyway but I had tricked him, kind of, so I was feeling a bit guilty.

From there I redownloaded Rift and went in my old game over a couple nights and took photos for backgrounds. I also had three monsters to make in Spore, one I got done right away.......

Life happened, as it always does lately, and I ran out of time every day to get any farther on our story. It was so good I wanted to do it 'Right' and not rush it.

Finally today I turned everything off and set about getting it done. I have learned a lot today and need to learn still more about editing film but what you are about to watch I finally felt proud enough to post so Deaconlee will not be embarrassed to have his name attached to it.

Now let me Make this very clear. No matter how my video turned out I know Deaconlee would not have cared. He IS that kind of man.

Backstory now told we can get to the good part! Below is the story called 'Who Done It?' written by @deaconlee and me.

I hope you enjoy it!!

Who done it?

It was Saturday morning and the place was a mess. Woozy, Floozy and Whatz’it had been in the dark dank root cellar overnight sorting through box after box, through all the dirt and mess. Broken glass cutting up their fingertips. All to find the spyglass.

The spyglass was not needed to live. Why over the years and years it had ended up in the root cellar. The stories of the magic that it held were still talked about from the young to old. Some of the stories told of how it was able to show you the way and make all clear. To the Trio, finding the spyglass seemed to fit the bill with helping to find out what was going on in the next village.

The Village of Pines was the pain of all, they had started dancing and playing music all night. Every night about a month ago. Great music to be sure but still, no one was getting any sleep! They were all walking around like Zombies!

Woozy had decided to run the group over to Pine Village to see if there was something he could do to stop all the madness happening every night.

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It was daylight when Woozy came to himself, he was curled up in a growth of reeds at the edge of a shallow pond. He had vague memories of dancing under a sparking spinning light to enchanting and hypnotic melodies like he had never before heard. Where were his shoes? Hearing a moan he looked across to the other side of the pond and Floozy was sitting up in some tall swamp grass brushing debris from her hair with her fingers. Whatz’it was nowhere in sight, what could have happened to us?

Standing to my feet I noticed an overhanging tree limb, and as I followed it back to the enormous trunk I saw Whatz’it across an even larger limb, arms and legs dangling down over the edges and a bird nest for a pillow. I called up, are you okay up there Whatz’it, I asked? Ummmph, one eye opens, I’m okay she said as she lay her head back down, eye once again shut.

Walking to the car Woozy noticed a note on the windshield. Thanks for all the dances, it read, we all had a marvelous time and all of us hope to see you again tonight, same place same time. The note was signed B. frog. B. Frog! His memories started flooding back, the music, the singing. It was a Bull Frog band and they had all danced and frittered about on top of a floor of glass, of course, it was water, the ball of light must have been the moon. So this is where the music that had been keeping us awake at night was coming from!

I saw the spyglass sitting in the back seat of the car and wondered if it had anything to do with all of this. When we get back home we’ll have to hit rewind and see if it recorded any of the evening's activities.


Thank You @deaconlee for everything!!!

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do!

Much Love,

Music by Release Your Shrouds

Rift, Sims 4 and Spore's were used to make the Video. All work on the video and photos are done by me @snook.

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