Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #4 - Hristo Atanasov

design by: @edurley

Hristo Atanasov

I was working in my office late at night, when suddenly I heard the door knocking, it was my son who wanted to know how I was, "Dad, what are you doing?" it's too late you should rest, tomorrow you can continue your work, - "what is it all about?" I feel very enthused; were the words and questions of my son expressing his curiosity.

I kindly told him that everything was a new social project to help people in need, making him remember that day when it all began, he very sentimental told me: - "How to forget that moment dad?" you were the person who opened a door for me in the darkness and called me a son when everyone rejected me. 20 years ago I was a boy who lived in the streets of the city, I ate only when I found something in the trash, I saw the families passing by the park while I thought and dreamed of having mine one day, I do not understand why I had to go through for all those bad moments. They abandoned me to my fate, I was just a child that by destiny I had to learn to be great and strong ahead of time, with the passing of the years I survived a giant storm called society, where the struggle was tireless day by day for not fall though I made mistakes I also paid carrying deep scars in my heart.

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I remember that afternoon when sitting on the bench in a square, I wanted to put an end to my life, I could not bear to live surrounded by so much misery and contempt; while my stomach roared with hunger and my head about to explode, a man came to listen to me, I could not believe it, I thought it was an angel fallen from heaven sent by God to protect me from that madness that invaded my mind. That gentleman asked me, "Son, are you well?" He held out his hand and asked me, "Who are you, sir?" He humbly replied: "Who, does not matter, but I think I have arrived at the right moment. Between laughing and tears remembered the humble boy whom Hristo baptized with the name of Ivantie whose meaning is "glorious gift".

From that moment his life changed, he had the great opportunity to meet a great man with a unique heart and feelings, who gave him his support as never before had nobody done it, was reborn in his ashes, began to form as a person with the help of his new father Hristo and many of his other brothers; learned to want to value life as the greatest treasure that can be had. Thanks to that great human being who in the midst of so much darkness became a guiding light and today he has become an example to follow for many people.

Hristo lived with his parents who in their childhood were orphaned by circumstances of life. His mother, Anca, who from very young age was in charge of his maternal aunt taking care of her as a daughter since her parents died in a traffic accident. The aunt worked in an orphanage where she did cleaning work, every morning Anca accompanied her in her work, that's where she meets Ioan who also was orphaned since he was very small, his relatives abandoned him in that place where he grew up to become a young teenager, being the best friend of Anca little by little begins a nice romance between both, to the years they marry and of that union a child is born whom they called Hristo, a child who grew up in a family and a stable home, where good values prevailed.

Anca and her husband Ioan went through moments perhaps very similar to those of that boy named Ivantie. Hristo despite his young age understood with much maturity the story and experiences that his parents told him, they went through very difficult times with a very sad childhood, which is why his son Hristo has grown and been inspired to help others , you grew with good feelings thanks to the good example of his parents, so from the time he became a man he decided to give opportunities and a home to people in need.


Currently Hristo is a businessman of 60 years and with his recycling company and through it does a great social work, he still with a long way to go, ensures that his vocation is to help everyone in need; there are already 22 members who make up his family and is very proud of what he has achieved over the years during which he demonstrated that it should always be remembered that the family bond is indestructible and love and compassion are the most powerful weapons that can own each person.

Hristo and his son Ivantie, while they remembered the past, embraced each other in a fraternal embrace, their tears rolled, but this time they were glad and their souls cleaned; that child who today became a man, could not but thank that person whose destiny put him in his path. The greatest achievement of Hristo Atanasov, are not their companies or their altruistic work before society, but the home where they prevail principles, values and where there is love, for all those people who have ever touched their doors

"Dare to walk even if it is barefoot, to smile even if you do not have motives and help others without receiving applause"


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the beginning of this story I have imagined
for the fourth Creative Writing Challenge: Task # 4, sponsored by @steemfluencer
part of the story is real based on:

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