Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #5 - A Message from the Past


For the children of my children

I'm Adam, your grandfather. I know what are you thinking about :) I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only 25. Cool, isn't it? :)

At the moment of watching this video you might be already 10 years old older. I don't know your names, how you look like and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist.

After a long day's work today, I came home as usual, had a nightly engagement I to meet with my friends, but I have decided to stay home. despite that I'm one young being a 25 year old I like enjoy peace and quiet; after entering my room I relaxed a little to do something that for many days had in mind, something not very common in young people my age, it occurred to me to record a video with a beautiful message for the children of my future children, I know that it´s will seem crazy because I have not even thought about getting married for the time, I don't have children therefore I am sure that a few years will pass before this video reaches your hands and can see me and listen to my message what to I recorded for you with affection and humility.

Sitting on the stairs of my house, as I begin to write part of my thoughts I feel the desire to tell they what little I have learned during the years of my life, although it is very soon, perhaps this in the future will help them, since within a decades life will be very different and I am sure that moment will be young people with greater wisdom than mine. God is witness that I have worked so hard to be a good brother, a good friend and above all a good son by the upbringing that my parents have given me; thanks to them I have grown up with a degree of maturity and responsibility and I would like you all to grow in the same way.


Never had the opportunity to meet my grandparents and much less enjoy their company, the distance prevented that fact that I longed for, my parents from very young departed to another country in search of a better future, moving away of the old home; the year I my grandparents died, it´s was a very hard blow and the in distance my parents suffered a lot the painful loss. It was the year 1992 I was born, as I grew up I saw, when my friends they enjoyed happy with their grandparents, I felt a great sadness, because I wanted the same thing too; some old photographs are the only memory left of my elderly, along with the stories and anecdotes that my parents have told me since I was little.

You are my generation and I want you to never forget that the value of a person is measured by the size of your heart nothing is eternal in this world, nor the universe itself, what really belongs to you are your knowledge and values as human being. At the end of my days in traveling through this world, the most important heritage I want to leave is the immense love that a grandfather can feel, I want you to know try to draw their faces in my mind as the greatest desire to know you, perhaps when they can see and understand this message, I will not be physically but their I will be accompanying you from the stars.

Dear grandchildren, when you feel sorrow and anguish do not be discouraged, this world belongs to the champions like you, imagine what is in your hearts and seek your deepest thoughts, remember that they were a simple spermatozoon that struggled with millions and in the end it was you who they won the battle, they are still strong and healthy, they are simply triumphant. I dream someday to meet them before my ashes scatter the earth, I imagine how my future would be sharing at his side with wrinkles on my face and a snow-white hair, walking with my cane together holding, I'm sure that would be the best grandchildren and I the best grandfather, but that depends on the destiny comes, they say that dreams come true, I hope that my own will be fulfilled and if not, as an important task I will leave you, that you love and honor your parents, may not be the best but they will be with you and give the best of them.

"The most beautiful feeling is to dream and love someone
that does not yet exist and that you can only imagine"

Be good people and right citizens, love and learn to forgive, forgiveness purifies the soul, the mistakes don't are worry, they also learn from them; never give up, if someday fall with the same force get up, the path of life is not easy but I trust that you will know to walk through it. at this moment it will happen time a lot to reach this world, but I feel the beat of their hearts in he mine, I just hope that wherever you they are will strive to find their happiness, this world is beautiful just waiting to be discovered by people like you.


with lots of love, he says goodbye..
Your dreamer grandfather, Adam

"Grandparents are people who have silver in their hair and gold in the heart."


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This story I the have imagined is
for the Creative Writing Challenge: Task #5, sponsored by @steemfluencer

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