Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #6 - Charles' Story- "A dangerous neighbor"


A dangerous neighbor

It was at 03.08 p.m. August 15, 2015, Edward Hospital, Naperville IL, when in the intensive care ward the nurses on duty called out to the doctors "The patient is already reacting!"; the patient Roger while waking up very bewildered tried to look familiar, but all around him was the presence of doctors and nurses who walked very quickly from one side to another, at that moment his butler and friend Charles approaches and there arises a conversation between them, Roger's questions were very insistent, I had no idea what had happened to him.

Roger is speaking with his butler Charles.

Roger: Excuse me Charles, could you briefly explain me why I'm now laying on a bed in this hospital?

Charles: Yes, sir. I would love to. However, I couldn't really promise that it will be a brief story.

Roger: Okey then. We have enough time. Please, go ahead,.

Charles: Good sir. You know our neighbors, correct?

Roger: Mr Adam and his wife. The strange ones?

Charles:Exactly sir. You know that sometimes they travel for longer and when they arrive back hope they have quarrels.
Well, last time the quarrel lasted longer than usual. That's why...

That's why Roger was in that hospital, it had been a month since he was admitted to intensive care where he was on the verge of death. Roger, very thoughtful and without remembering anything, was waiting stealthily for Charles to keep telling him; was very weak on the bed but still wanted to get up without any effort, the butler very moved by the situation continued to tell the story of the terrible accident. It was all a misunderstanding; the couple, was just arriving of travel and happened to greet Roger who was also going down out of his vehicle, both came to greet each other and engaged in a brief conversation, Roger's kindness was very remarkable with the wife of Adam before their eyes, In the minute they said goodbye and when Roger was going to enter his house suddenly a strong argument was heard, it was the couple Adam that as usual they discussed but this time more strong than usual.


The discussion was so strong that it caught the attention of Roger who comes forback happened back to know what happened, at that precise moment the pair was struggling with a weapon, this was an aggressive fight between the two, Roger without knowing the reason intervened to for prevent the aggressive man hurt his wife Paula, Adam became more enraged to see that Roger tried to defend his wife and the fight became more intense. The minutes passed and Adam was totally out of control when suddenly a detonation was heard and Chales seeing the situation ran to help him, but he was already unconscious bleeding on the pavement of the shot; they immediately called an ambulance, it was all a moment of desperation, they thought Roger was dead. Paula with tears and very distressed she by what happened told Charles the reason for anger of Adam, told her that her husband was a very jealous and abusive man, she angry at that time asked the divorce and without enduring that request went crazy until wanting to end his life; she could not continue to live next to a man with problems of insecurity; her entire life since they were married has had to endure the bad relationship of their marriage, which led her to take advantage of the moment they arrived from the trip to tell her what she really wanted, to finally separate from him.

Mr. Adam had the suspicion that Roger you liked Paula, it was what he imagined; the kindness and courtesy confused him, that was the reason for the fatal outcome. then Roger asked his butler for his neighbor Adam, Impressed Charles replied: "Mr. Adam that same evening when he fled the authorities he crashed into trees where he died instantly. Roger could not believe the terrible story that ended tragically and that for luck he survived.

Paula is a very attractive woman whom Roger always respects, was a committed woman and had no intentions with her, but because of the absurd jealousy and without reason caused much damage, he said between tears Roger, who will pass waiting in the hospital for its complete recovery. Meanwhile his faithful butler Charles accompanied and supported him in the arduous moment that crossed.

Mrs. Adam from the beginning used to visit to roger during the days that he was hospitalized, was very ashamed she of all that happened; the authorities began investigations into the case and it was discovered that Mr. Adam was part of a network of drug traffickers and had a history of homicide and extortion, reason for which it adopted such an aggressive behavior. Paula was not safe from everything because the shady business her husband handled made her the target of the police authorities who constantly visited his home with warrant.

During all the hell Paula suffered, she was fortunate enough to be able to count on the help of Roger, who through her influences could prevent her from being brought before the courts and submitted to the public scandal. All his property was seized by inquiries, meanwhile it was Roger who became his unconditional support and from those moments his beautiful friendship began to take other bearings.

"Mr. Adam through the mask of a good neighbor really was an unscrupulous person of dubious reputation, so look and take care you of neighbors, not all are good and please do not get involved in fights.".



This story I the have imagined is
for the Creative Writing Challenge: Task #5, sponsored
by @steemfluencer

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