Steemfluencer's 2nd Writing Challenge - Task #1 - Tony's List - She's an Overripe Tomato!

The below story is my entry for challenge #1 of Steemfluencer's 2nd Creative Writing Challenge. Before I get to the story itself, there's some explaining that needs to be done here.

Check out the original challenge post here: Steemfluencer's Challenge #1

So. The idea is to use a writing tool called "The Linking Method" to help our fictional protagonist (Tony) recall a list of items he needs to purchase from Walmart. I needed to do a little background on the Linking Method. So I went on a little hunt. The best write up I found, which included an example of pretty much this exact challenge cane be found here: mind expanding techniques

The idea is to come up with some really outlandish images in your head to help you remember the items. You also need to link the items in such a way as remembering one item leads you to remember the image that gets you to the next image.

The item list we had to work with:

• Bananas
• Tomatoes
• White wine
• Gone with the Wind - book
• Greek yogurt
• Coke
• Oranges
• A tasty bone for Charlie (the family's dog)

So here's my quandary. We are instructed to be creative with it and not to simple. However, we are trying to create a story that someone could REMEMBER. I don't know about you, but I can't memorize very long texts very quickly. So while the challenge tells us to be creative, the onus to also be able to remember the whole thing implies it must be short.

So. In the end, I went with some images that I thought people could remember, in a very short story. Which is why the lead up is so long. I need to put more than just one paragraph on the block chain. haha.

Image Source: Jason Haskins on Dribbble -

So here you go. The short, memorable story of Tony's shopping list. I fondly title it

"She's an Overripe Tomato!"

The Greeks are growing banana shaped olives from which they create their yogurt. Of course yogurt White Wine doesn’t sell well in the store, but Orange Greek Yogurt flies off the shelves!. Aside from eating yogurt, my Dog of bones, his name is Rhett, he likes to snort long lines of coke, and who am I to keep a roguish dog like Rhett from his Scarlett O’hara. In his mind she must look like a huge overripe tomato, but really she’s just Gone With the Wind!

Thanks for reading! See you in part 2!

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