Creative Writing Challenge - Task #5 - Back in Time

A future story for the grand kids, this is my submission for task #5 of @steemfluencer's creative challenge.

Back in Time

Hello my wonderful grandchildren!

I'm Adam, your grandfather. I know what are you thinking about :) I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only 25. Cool, isn't it? :)

At the moment of watching this video you might be already 10 years old older. I don't know your names, how you look like and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist.

However, I wanted to share some things about your dear old grand dad from my life's perspective know. Which, very well may be enlightening for you, when compared to the person you know me as now.

Life is good at the moment. I'm a young professional living in New York City. I have a good job I started just a year ago and the social scene is quite robust here so am having a lot of fun.

After working so hard to get through school and land the internship that helped get me my current job, it' definitely time to enjoy it a bit. That's something I have already come to appreciate.

Only bad thing about living here is I am 1200 miles away from your great grandmother. I know you will likely never know her, but she is a wonderful mother and I do wish I could visit her more. Just remember that when it comes to your Mom and Dad.

At some point, I hope to move back out near her. Once I get my career established a bit. We will see if anything keeps me here. I did meet a great girl a month ago. We are only just getting to know one another, but something feels special about this girl. Who knows, maybe she'll end up being your grandmother, that would be wild!

It's also kind of wild I have no idea where you will be watching this from or if at all. Where you live and if I will be near there. The possibilities are exciting!

What I can tell you is; I am still growing as a man, and though I am happy with who I am, I do hope I am even a better man by the time I become your grandfather.

Be kind to one another, be gracious and don't be afraid to do something crazy and fun every once and a while.

Just don't let your Mom and Dad know I said that!

With love,


Mitchell J

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