Creative Writing Challenge - Task # 6 - Driveway Drama

Creative Writing Challenge # 6, to finish a story. Come join in on this challenge hosted by @steemfluencer

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Roger: Excuse me Charles, could you briefly explain me why I'm now laying on a bed in this hospital?

Charles: Yes, sir. I would love to. However, I couldn't really promise that it will be a brief story.

Roger: Okay then. We have enough time. Please, go ahead,.

Charles: Good sir. You know our neighbors, correct?

Roger: Mr Adam and his wife. The strange ones?

Charles: Exactly sir. You know that sometimes they travel for longer and when they arrive back hope they have quarrels.

Well, last time the quarrel lasted longer than usual.

That's why....

Mr. Adam's wife came knocking at the front door. It seems that Mr. Adam through her phone in their pool and she had no way to call the police. Apparently things got so heated she feared for her safety.

She knocked at the door asking if she could use a phone. However, just as soon Mr. Adam came running and screaming through the front lawn.

He was yelling all sorts of nasty things and she rebutted with many similar words. It was quite starting sir.

Roger: Okay, but what happened next? How did I end up here?

Charles: Well, you see sir - amidst Mr. Adam's rage he kicked gravel rocks from the driveway at her. This in turn led her to scream at her and she picked up the nearest object near her.

Unfortunately the gardening tools where lying on the ground in front of the hedge next to the door. She reached down and threw the small gardening shovel at him, which he thankfully dodged.

However, he was none to happy about it and immediately picked it up and swung it back at her, which unfortunately was right next to us.

We both ducked down as we saw the shovel flying toward us. Sadly, the shovel struck you on the top of the head and caused a large gash and knocked you unconscious.

I immediately called an ambulance and the authorities. You have 25 stitches on the top of you head sir.

Roger: Oh my, what did the police do?

Charles: They took down my statement and told both Mr. Adam and his wife not to leave town the next couple days. They are waiting to see if you would like to press charges.

Roger: Goodness, what a mess. Outside of the stitches did the doctors say everything is ok?

Charles: Yes sir, luckily there was no other harm. Just the gash, no concussion or anything of the like.

Roger: Ok then, no need to press charges Charles. I'll be fine. However, have the lawyer draw up a document that they are not to enter the property again. If so, it will be deemed trespassing and charges will be brought up.

Charles: Certainly sir, as you wish.


Mitchell J

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