Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #1 - Premium Rush

Here we go, task #1 in the second creative writing challenge hosted by @steemfluencer. The title of this story is also they way I felt white writing it! :-) Just a crazy week, but my submission is in!

Premium Rush

Oh man oh man, I hate when my brother does this do me. These last minute rushes are bananas you see.

He rambled off such a list. How in the heck will I remember this shit?

I like my booze, so the white wine will be easy to recall, but the rest of it; how will I remember it all?

Rushing to the store as fast as I can. Need to get in their before this slips from my memory, that'd be bad.

As I step in the door, I bump into a friend. It's Elena, she's such such a greek goddess. I want to talk to her for awhile, but that's right, I need to get greek yogurt instead!

Just like thank I am gone with the wind! Oh snap, I need to get that book as part of my shopping.

Frantically, I rush through the store. Time is limited and I am getting gassed. I need a caffeine kick, some coke needs to be had. I grab a full case, gonna drink one, hope Jack won't get mad.

Ah, carbonation rush! Drank that way too fast. Where was I....what's next on my list? Oh man, I better remember or Jack is gonna be pissed!

Stomping up and down the isles I try to refresh my memory. Hey, the dog on that food bag looks like Charlie.

That's it! I need to get him a tasty bone. Lets grab that quick. Boy, I really should have grabbed a shopping cart for all of this.

Do I have everything now? I think I do. What was that rhyme I created on the way to the store?

After all these years, Jack and I have finally found a truce, don't mess it up and forget his produce!

Eureka! Tomatoes and oranges is the rest of the list. Holy cow, I think I actually did it!

I scurry to the register to checkout. Time is running thin, I need to get to his place. Like the kid in the movie Premium Rush, it's a destination race!

Mitchell J

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