Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #2: Tom and Joey | Long Long Time Ago

Sometimes reality is more surprising than fantasy.

This is a story of a friendship, love and drama, which could had inspired, the unforgettable legend of Steve Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes, the principal characters of one of the famous Marvel’s saga: Captain America.

Tom Rice and Joey Templeton were born in New York City, in early 1920’s years. They grow up at the same time the city did. Their families were neighbors in Manhattan and they shared games and dreams until their role up in the U.S. Army when World War II affected to all the people of the planet.

Source: Pixabay

Everything has started while they served in Europe, Joey who were older and taller than Tom, every time he could, try to take care Joey, but he was shot in Lyons, France and had to stay in a militar hospital for two months.

During this time, Joey met Claudette, a beautiful brunette French nurse and fell in love with her.

Tom in his side, was reassigned to the Patton’s Third Army fighting in this until the final of the war. He never was injuried.

Joey and Claudette got married in 1946 and move to Tribeca nearby the old house of Joey parents.

Tom stayed in the army until 1952 finishing his military career as Capitan Rice and receiving medals and other honors for his courage and fellowship in Europe campaign and Korea.

When he got back to America, he graduated as Public Accounting in University of Columbia and set down in Carnegie Hall. He met a wonderful girl, called Linda, and got married at late 1950’s.

Actually, Tom is still the smartest accountant in the town, and 70 years after, Joey, still, is his best friend.

Tom is 94. Joey is 95, and enjoy every afternoon in the park of their retirement home, remembering, together, their lives and achievements.

Claudette and Linda passed away, but the two old friends still share a trip that began long, long, time ago.

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