Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #5 - A Message from the Past | I dreamed you the way you are

A letter to my grandchildren of the future.

Image Source: Pixabay. User: genty
Dear grandchildren:
I'm Adam, your grandfather.
I know what you are thinking about. I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only 25. Cool, isn't it?
At the moment of watching this video you might be already 10 years old older. I don't know your names, how you look like and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist.

Image Source: @steemfluencer

Today, tonight, is september 29th, 2017.

I feel especially convinced that I will see you, I will hold you in my arms and you will listen to my own voice, while I read this letter that accompanies this video that I am recording for you.

I believe deep inside me that this planet, called Earth, must be a great place to live for all the species that inhabit it, animals and plants. I have prepared myself, in body, soul and mind, to collaborate with this.

I have studied a lot.

I am a bachelor in Creative Writing and got another degree as a scientist, interpreting, updating and improving many of the theories that have allowed the technological advance that today allows me to show you how I am today, almost 40 years before you see this.

Likewise, I went into the appreciation of so many streams of art, and I have had the opportunity to discover how you will also see in this document, that I managed to synchronize my feeling and inspiration with that musical instrument, which represents so well the diversity of cultures in our planet, as is the guitar.

I am associated with the University of Florida doing what I like most, learn and teach and in a surprising way, I get paid to do what I like.

I practice regularly, soccer, and that allows me to maintain, what the Ancient called Mens sāna in corpore sānō, healthy mind in healthy body.

In short, my life crowned as a young professional, is characterized by what we call perhaps without paying sufficient attention to what we say, success, recognition and fortune.

And yet, today, tonight, you only accompany me, my dear grandchildren, as the only proof that I will soon find your grandmother.

Because, in order for you to be born, at least as I wish it to be, beyond all the scientific advances of today that will be even more incredible in your times, I want you to be born of Love, the most powerful form of energy in the Universe and no, product of the optimization of my DNA and the synthesis of a being even more valuable than I am and can become.

Women are the most wonderful beings on the planet: beautiful, intelligent, perceptive, have, as psicologists have shown, a sixth sense, the intuition that makes them different and more powerful than the most capable man.

From a very young age, I admire them, I share with them and I have dedicated myself to looking, perhaps in an exaggeratedly planned way, to your grandmother, that unique being who will allow my 60 years to tell you my story, but I have not been successful.

As I write and write this letter and do this video, I make some hypotheses that explain why I have not yet found her, and conclude that I have been infinitely selfish and what I have not done or not done well enough is to allow the encounter, that is to say, to issue signs that make it easier for her, your grandmother, to find me too.

That is why, I commit myself, my beloved grandchildren, to being a better person, more humble and especially more optimistic, sensitive and able to observe, rather than interpret what happens around me and I assure you, now driven by something you call faith, a concept beautiful though difficult to explain, that I will find it, opportunely, for this conversation to take place, when appropriate.

Perhaps you will ask me how I will identify your Grandmother when I know her?

How will she looks that day? When will be happen, finally?

That moment, it will surely be like any other, with the difference that if we have not met yet or if we already have time to share, our looks will find and I will have opportunity to talk about you, how happy you do me and how grateful that I am to have you in my arms, healthy, happy, tender and intelligent as her.

And as I tell you about this video and this cover letter, she, like you, will smile and probably as I, at this moment, will have a warm tear of happiness in her eyes at the surprising conviction of having built in an instant, the bases of a bridge of love towards the infinite and beyond.

Thank you for listening to me, for waiting for me and for inviting me to be by your side.

I love you.

Your grandpa.

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