Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #6 - Charles' Story | Too much love will kill you...or save you

Image Source: Pixabay

Roger Steinman has always been especially dedicated to work.

His parents gave him a good example of discipline, rationality and moderation, developing a window design and construction business tailored to the needs of customers and the particular climatic conditions of Chicago and its surroundings.

The Steinman business started in the early 1960s, flourished and in the midst of the 21st century already reaches three branches in Illinois where it is the market leader and has opened a couple of branches in Indiana and Wisconsin.

One of the small luxuries that his parents gave in the mid-1980s was to buy a Victorian mansion with 15 rooms and a plot of land about one hectare outside of Naperville, where Roger was born and raised and after his temporary separation of Karen and the boys precisely because of the little time that it offered to him to share with family, is its personal base of operations from which it directs the legacy of its parents, with the company of Charles, that more than its butler, considers like its older brother, Wendy, his wife and little Sebastian, who is the best friend of the twins Arthur and Richard whom he misses as much as Karen.

In Naperville, like the Steinman's home there are several similar buildings and even some with land with extensions of more than half a hectare which gives a stately air to the county, and perhaps a little different from the style and city architecture that predominate in Chicago and other more populated counties.

For a couple of years, Charles had told him about a young couple, a little younger than Roger and Susan, the Weber, Adam and Katherine, who when they reached the neighborhood, were immediately noticed by bringing several classical musical instruments I get: a grand piano of the brand similar to Roger's last name, a harp and a beautiful cherry-colored cello that was later found to be the instrument that Katherine played with the highest quality.

Adam, on the other hand, was a good-natured theater actor with above-average stature and a deep bass voice that when the Steinmans approached to give them the traditional welcome to the neighborhood, they found it especially dark.
Throughout the 18 months since then until the discussion that left Roger without Karen and the children, there were a couple of events that Charles noticed and made them see the Steinmans.

Through the window of the house facade of the Weber that bordered the Steinman mansion, separated by a path that could be crossed giving no more than 20 steps could be seen that they had transformed three of the adjoining rooms on the top floor in a and in this space they arranged, as if it were the old circus of Buffallo Bill Cody, a series of planks, targets, and could be seen in every corner, tomahawk-type axes, bows of different sizes and boxes with arrows of different lengths, as well like what appeared to be a trousseau with costumes of the time in which the mail was delivered thanks to extensive routes of messengers on horseback.

The Weber certainly spent a lot of time outside the house, probably because of their professional commitments, and when they returned home, usually one first than the other, there was no warm reception, hugs or kisses.

What was happening and the arrangement of the window added to the curiosity of Wendy and then Karen was the passionate encounter in the eyes of its neighbors and who stopped to look at that window of the room of the west as the Steinman called it, and always was produced as a rite between 10 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon of the day after the arrival of the most backward to the appointment.

And in addition to the explicit scene that showed that both Adam and Katherine loved each other and explored every corner of their bodies, it was especially strange that the one who had entered the house of last, corresponded to him as the son of William Tell , exposing himself to the other who was in charge of throwing the axes or the arrows towards a circular target in the center of which the other hoped that his beloved had enough aim not to hurt him.

It turns out that both Adam and Katherine handled very well those weapons that were apparently made for them in a pastime and erotic game prior to their intense love affairs.

Charles remembered all this, when he came to himself and saw his friend and employer lying in bed, and the worst had happened, but really, he was not sure that Roger had noticed what happened to him, how he happened and especially what happened that was of the death.

And so he let him know when he finally woke up and asked what he was doing there.

Roger mentioned that three days earlier, he had received an arrow in his head, which had come near his left ear and on his descending route, had come down his cheek.

The arrow had been fired from Adam upstairs, after tripping over an Indian moccasin Katherine had thrown at him to encourage him to finish the rite as soon as possible and begin their final love encounter.

Yes, the strangers, they made theirs, they are in the police station waiting if you are going to file charges against them, definitely, it had to have been an accident because, they did not even see you as a sign, Charles would tell Roger.

The stone-tipped arrow went through the window glass and crossed we did not explain as the small space that is in the frame of the old window of your office romanilla to which you removed the piece that turned the crystals.

The doctor mentioned that you are alive miraculously.

The good thing in the middle of what looks like a tragic comedy is that Karen and the boys are already in the house and She has told me and Wendy, also in private, that she came back to rescue the marriage so she has to resort to strange methods to strengthen the relationship like that of the Weber.

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