Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #4 The Men

Hristo Atanasov was a 60-year-old man who worked in one in the maintenance of parks and recycling garbage. He used to work long hours to support his family and to help anyone who needed it.

Hristo, was born in a very humble home of a town of Bulgaria, orphaned at an early age, and along with his brother had to survive in the streets. He went hungry and worked, but despite the obstacles he always went ahead.

He started to work collecting garbage and recycling it. This helps you to learn new techniques and improve your work. With the years and the knowledge acquired he managed to form his own company, and diversify his work to carry out construction works.

But Hristo never forgot his origins, nor where he came from. For years he received and adopted orphans who, like him, needed a home.

I host many children, young people and mothers with their children, who did not have a roof to stay in. Many of these kids who today are their children, not only got a home at Hristo's house, but found a father and a family.

Josef in one of these boys who one day appeared at Hristo's house, dirty and malnourished. Hristo welcomed him into his home as one more member of the family. Josef today in a good man who works in the company of Hristo. He now has his own family but still sees Hristo as a father and helps him with the work of the company and his home.

Hristo still in his 60s continues to help the neediest and working to give a home to those kids who wander on the streets with no more roof than the sky over their heads.

His reward is the unconditional love of a large family that, despite not carrying the same blood, welcomed him as the father, brother they never had. His family grows every day when a boy, woman or man knocks on his door to ask for shelter....

Note: This is a fiction story based on real events. I do not know that many details of Hristo's past life. I think helping the needy is a great job, that makes him a great man

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