Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #6 - Charles' Story

03.08 p.m. August 15, 2015** Edward Hospital, Naperville IL**

Roger is speaking with his butler Charles.

Roger: Excuse me Charles, could you briefly explain me why I'm now laying on a bed in this hospital?

Charles: Yes, sir. I would love to. However, I couldn't really promise that it will be a brief story.

Roger: Okey then. We have enough time. Please, go ahead,.

Charles: Good sir. You know our neighbors, correct?

Roger: Mr Adam and his wife. The strange ones?

Charles:Exactly sir. You know that sometimes they travel for longer and when they arrive back hope they have quarrels.

Well, last time the quarrel lasted longer than usual. That's why...

That's why when they arrived from your trip, you looked out the window listening to loud noises coming from the house.

Seeing nothing, he decided to go out into the yard and look out over the fence. But he still saw nothing and the noises were getting stronger ... This worried for a moment, but I go back to the house and decided not to give importance to the matter.

A few hours passed and Charles went to buy some food in the market for Mrs. Emma prepared dinner. When Charles returned from the market, Roger told him that he would go and see the neighbors because he was tired of their constant noises.

You were very upset that you were not allowed to work quietly in the library with so much noise that you would tell them to stop making noise or call the police.

He left the house annoyingly and went to Mr. Adam's house ....


Meanwhile when Mr. Adam came home with his traveling wife, it was found that a pipe in the kitchen had broken, causing the entire kitchen and part of the dining room to flood.

During the weekend the couple had been traveling, water had been spilling all over the place. The house was chaos. Immediately they called the plumber, but this would not come until the following morning.

Adam was desperate and decided to fix it himself, although he did not know anything about plumbing. He began to hammer and remove pipes all over the kitchen, while his wife stared at the disaster that worsened every time he hammered and removed a pipe.

Thus passed the hours ....

Finally, Roger decided to end the noise that bothers him and goes to Mr. Adam's house. He knocks on the door and Elena opens.

Elena's wife, Mrs. Roger says: I'm very upset because his constant noises have not allowed me to work or concentrate for hours.

Excuse me, Mr. Roger, for all the inconveniences we have caused you, I really am very sorry to you.

The noises I hear are caused by my husband trying to fix the kitchen pipe. When we arrived on the road we found the house flooded by a broken pipe in the kitchen.

We call the plumber, but this will not come until tomorrow.

Adam decided to fix it, but as he sees the disaster now is worse.

Well, ma'am let me help your husband, I have plumbing knowledge. Of course, Mr. Roger.

Roger enters the house and when he goes to the kitchen stumbles with a bucket that was at the foot of the escalare, slips and hits his head.

His neighbors call an ambulance, and Charles accompanies the unconscious Roger to the hospital.

When Roger wakes up Charles tells him what happened. His neighbors after all were not fighting and everything was a misunderstanding. All the noise was because they were fixing a pipe ....

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