Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #1 - Travelling with the Wind

I was walking with my dog Charlie when suddenly a wind raised us and made us fly.
We were, just as that book title, gone with the wind.

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We flew so much that we arrived to Spain in the middle of the party of The Great Tomato (La Tomatina), there people were throwing tomatoes everywhere as some kind of bizarre celebration. Trying to save ourselves from being tomatoed as they seemed to call it, Charlie and I began to run. The people were chasing us and threw tomatoes that exploded everywhere, they were trying to paint us in red as that was the custom and we, foreigners, were the only ones that hadn't been tomatoed.

As we ran, my dog and I noticed that the people had stopped throwing the red fruit at us. As we looked back, we noticed that they had become an army zombies that wanted to eat us. I ran faster but could not see Charlie by my side so I turned around and to my amazement I saw the dog fighting one of the zombies. I desperately called him since I was scared something would happen to the canine brave warrior, my dog obediently ran back to where I was, but not before biting and tearing a skeletal hand off of the living dead. He kept one of the bones as a prize.

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As we ran the wind blew us away again and took us to the island of Hawaii.
We were gone with the wind.

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Some beautiful girls bathed us and took the tomato scraps off of us, then offered us a glass of white wine and sliced oranges as some sort of side dish that was meant to enhance the flavor. Of course I accepted the drink and the fruit, but Charlie did not since he was busy biting on the bone he had on his mouth. I drank so much wine and ate so many oranges that I got drunk.

Who knew white wine with oranges would taste so good?

Suddenly an hurricane came and blew us away and we were gone with the wind.
We flew and flew until we landed on Greece.

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I felt very dizzy from the wine and oranges and started to vomit. Then, a greek philosopher that looked like Plato appeared and offered me a greek yogurt that made me feel much better. I ate three yogurts as Charlie and I walked with Plato through the beautiful streets of Greece, but as I was walking I got distracted, stepped on a banana shell and fell onto the ground. Charlie seemed to laugh, though I wasn’t completely sure since he still had the bone on his mouth.

Plato looked at me and asked if I was ok, I told him that my head hurted from the white wine hangover. He offered me a coke saying it would help with the headache, and as I started to drink it I realized he was right. He truly was a wise man.

I was drinking my coke when the wind started to rise again, Charlie and Plato were blown away by the wind as I sat there in the ground on top of the banana shell that had made me fall and my now half empty bottle of coke. I felt sad because there was no Charlie, no plato or anything around me and I know I’ll never forget what was gone with the wind.

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