Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #3 - Underneath the Rubbles

Sergio was excited about his new college life since his dream was to become a medical surgeon; with much effort and many hours of study he managed to obtain a scholarship since his parents could not afford the cost of a career as expensive as medicine.

On his first day of class Sergio met Luisa, a beautiful young woman who like him, had a passion of helping and taking care of people. The two began a beautiful friendship but over time the love between them flourished and thus they started a romantic relationship that would last for a lifetime.

They graduated from college and on that day they did not only celebrate having obtained their much desired degree but also their engagement thanks to the approval of their parents who felt very happy for them.

Getting a job was not an easy task for Sergio, however, he managed to get one in a a clinic specialized in dialysis and little by little he started to become well known in the clinic. His wife, on the other hand, worked in a hospital that was nearby. They got married and bought a really small apartment in a building on the Amsterdam 107 Street, there Luisa buys furniture to make the place more cozy, each object was selected with care and meant something to the couple.

Years went by, Luisa and Sergio tried to start a family, but much to their dismay, no matter how hard they tried, Luisa wouldn't get pregnant. They went to the doctor and after several studies, she was proved to be infertile; even though Sergio was heartbroken, he told her that it'd be alright and that he loved her anyways, they could still try to adopt a child.

One morning of September Luisa goes to work but Sergio decides to stay at home since he had a very bad flu. Lying on his bed he feels that everything around him moves aggressively and a very strong tremor does not let him stand up. Large pieces of concrete fall onto his body and the pressure of those large pieces against him make him lose consciousness, and thus, he faints for several minutes.

The building collapses and many tenants are trapped under the rubbles. People scream as they are crushed by the walls of what used to be their home, some managed to escape before everything collapsed. Paramedics, the red cross, firefighters, rescue workers and people from all around went there to try to help as much as they were capable of, but even if many helped, most people went there just to see what was going on and did nothing.

Luisa found out about the situation and went to her apartment as fast as she could only to find out that the building was completely destroyed. Her eyes could not believe what was happening. Her duty as a doctor makes her stay to try to help, but as they search for survivors, they find none. Time passes by and she noticed that one of the firefighters had a man on his arms, a man she recognizes to be her husband. He was alive.

Many people died and around 8 families registered missing people that have not been found yet. These people were Luisa and Sergio treasured neighboors.

Sergio and Luisa lost everything in that devastating phenomenon of nature, their precious memories, photos of their graduation and marriage, as well as objects they treasured with all of their hearts. But in spite of everything, they thanked God for being together and being able to create new memories.

[Source of the 1st Image]
[Source of the 2nd Image]

New it was based on:

Note: The only true facts are that a man named Sergio survived the earthquake in Mexico after the building collapsed (building in the Amsterdam 107). 8 families reported having missing family members. The news say that no one else had survived but since those news were made only a few hours later, maybe some more survivors were found later on. Luisa and his medical career are entirely made up. The second image is real.

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