Portal Disaster (Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #1)

This is my submission for @steemfluencer 's Second Creative Writing Challenge - Task #1.

Here is the original post of the outline for this task and it's rules.

Hope you enjoy my entry.


Damnit! It happened again. Here I was just sitting on the bus on my way to work, and all of a sudden get transported into another damn portal. I was immediately swallowed up by that drasted thing. Within a few seconds I was transported to the Jurrasic period. I knew it well. How many times had this happened? And the same place. I always arrived in the exact same spot, standing on the edge of some nest. There was always 3 large orange colored eggs. This time was not different, except for the fact that I was in business attire and wearing heels, and apparently no longer have my bag, which had been situated beside me on the bus. Thankfully I always had my wallet tucked in my jacket pocket, but that is the 3rd copy of Gone with the Wind I have lost this month alone. I don't know if I will ever finish that book at this rate.

How long was I going to be here this time?, I thought. There was a very loud squawk above and I immediately began to run. I knew what was coming. I headed down the hill, running away from the nest, and tripped. Damn heels! I fell flat on my face. I heard another squawk but this time much much closer. I turned around to see it flying at me. I grabbed one of my heels off my foot and threw it at the creature, it didn't phase it one bit. I kept my gaze up and frantically reached around me on the ground for something to defend myself with. I picked it up and took a swing at the incoming creature, trying to ward it off. A few seconds later I was right back in the spot I had just travelled from, sitting on the bus. Shit, and my bag was gone. I hate this damn city! I tried to ignore the gazes of those around me who had just seen me reappear out of thin air. I pushed the button on the long metal pole to signal a request to get off. I looked down at my other hand which I finally realized was holding something, and in my hands was a large bone. Looks like I had a souvenior this time.

I stepped off the bus, still a good 10 blocks away from work. I decided to go to the convenience store on the corner right in front of the bus stop to get a drink. As I reached to open the glass door I saw my reflection in the window. Looking back at me was a reflection covered in dirt. There was no way I could go to work like that. I went inside and purchased a coke and requested to use the bathroom. I fixed my hair, washed off the dirt as well as I could from my face and wiped as much off of my clothes and jacket as I could with a damp paper towel. I looked down and saw bright tomato colored nail polish looking back up at me. Shit, I thought. I lost my damn shoe back there. I took off my other one and headed out barefoot out of the store in search of a last minute shopping excursion. As soon as I stepped foot on that sidewalk I felt a hard plop on the back of my head. "Oh my god! You have got to be kidding me!" I scream out. I felt the back of my hair and felt something warm and gooey. I looked at my finger. Now I was staring down at this bunch of bird crap that looked like smeared greek yogurt, but warm, on my hands. "That's it!" I say aloud. "I'm done, I give up. Not today!". I saw some gazes from around me but no one really cared. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed my work number.

"Hey Patrice", I said.
"Look, I'm not feeling too hot today, I can't come in." I almost whimpered into the phone.
She told me she understood and to get some rest. I had the most awesome boss. I hung up the phone and walked right back into the store. I went straight into the isle with the wine and picked up two bottles of whatever white wine was the cheapest. I brought it up to the counter still holding my one shoe in my hand. The cashier rung it up, and as I was about to pay I noticed some bananas beside register. I grabbed two and said "Hell, I might as well eat while I get drunk". I paid the man and headed back outside, choosing to walk the rest of the way home.

I hope you had fun reading. This was a very interesting challenge for me. I am doing this to help expand my creativity and my writing.



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