크립토 로고 아트 챌린지(라이트코인 에디션)_Crypto Logo Art Challenge [Litecoin Edition]

This is my entry for logo art challenge hosted by @sndbox.  Inspired by Yoshitomo Nara.

Title: Litecoin is only one! _ 라이트코인은 오직 하나!

The Process

Yoshitomo Nara is a Japanese artist. He lives and works in Tokyo, though his artwork has been exhibited worldwide. Nara has had nearly 40 solo exhibitions since 1984. His art work has been housed at the MoMA and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA). His most well-known and repeated subject is a young girl with piercing eyes.

YOSHITOMO NARA, Life is Only One!, 2007, acrylic on wood.

I designed this work using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.  

Thanks for read my post. 

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