EOS Money Crypto Art Challenge round 5: EOS


EOS Money #creativecrypto entry by @allowisticartist

Inspired by the Artist Pink Flyod Album cover Money.... I thought about the song and how the old idea of money is being replaced with blockchain and EOS is worthy of triple freaking rainbows. This is now how I think of Money.... show me the blockchain!!!! Thank you to the magazine @creativecrypto for putting together this collaboration.

I started out with playing the song
Screenshot (132).png

Here is the video so you can hear the song the images are some what telling of the old money system as well.

So after hearing the song again I start by opening the EOS logo in Photoshop CC 2018

Screenshot (125).png

Next I place in a Pink Floyd Wallpaper I find on DuckDuckgo


matching it to the EOS logo

Screenshot (127).png

I then mock up the second rainbow beam by making a copy of the rainbow and cropping the top to fit the angle.

Screenshot (128).png

Next mocking up the third rainbow I do the same thing matching the angle and cropping the edge with a mask.

Screenshot (129).png

Next adding an outer glow to the EOS logo to make it look like the triangle in the Pink Floyd Album Cover.

Screenshot (130).png

Screenshot (131).png

After looking at the design I noticed some artifacts in the jpg colors of the wall paper so I used a single pixle strip sellection and duplicated that to a new layer and streatched it out to make a new rainbow. This is a little trick I learned way back that gives you a virtical or horazontal slice of the color when streached out gives you a nice smooth solid color. Next I used the perspective on the layer to get the shape to match the earlier referace of the wall paper.

This is my first mockup seeing the idea would work.


I then refined it building the shape of the ray of light and then made a shape for the scattered light inside the first triangle. I also moved the rainbow coming out to line up better with the shapes of the logo and adjusted the way the light comes in so the logo is still shown. The other two rays also rebuilt using the pixels streatch meathoud.

And here you have it the final result. I think it is as iconic in speaking to the power of blockchain as it is to breaking down the wall of the old way of money.


Thank you @sndbox for providing the eos logo and the challenge.


Allowistic Artist
Vincent Strader

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