Crypto Art Challenge [Round 4: Litecoin Edition]

steampunk logo lite coin07-1-1.jpg

Steampunk is one of the most interesting art styles that incorporate elements from many genres. The mechanical-industrial look and the complexity of the details gave it a geeky touch and the eccentricity raise it to an upscale status in the like of those of us who love sci-fi.

I choose this style to make the logo because it will merge and morph accordingly with the design. The geometrics and attributes are rich and the tone variations of the metals complements the scene of a static clock.

Design Process

steampunk logo lite coin 1-1.jpg
steampunk logo lite coin 3-1.jpg
steampunk logo lite coin 4-1.jpg
steampunk logo lite coin 5-1.jpg
steampunk logo lite coin 6-1.jpg
steampunk logo lite coin 7-1.jpg
steampunk logo lite coin07-1.jpg

Animated Process


3 columns
2 columns
1 column